Kevin P. Keegan
Kevin P. Keegan
PhD, Independent Scientist
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KBase: the United States department of energy systems biology knowledgebase
AP Arkin, RW Cottingham, CS Henry, NL Harris, RL Stevens, S Maslov, ...
Nature biotechnology 36 (7), 566-569, 2018
MG-RAST, a metagenomics service for analysis of microbial community structure and function
KP Keegan, EM Glass, F Meyer
Microbial environmental genomics (MEG), 207-233, 2016
A role for casein kinase 2α in the Drosophila circadian clock
JM Lin, VL Kilman, K Keegan, B Paddock, M Emery-Le, M Rosbash, ...
Nature 420 (6917), 816-820, 2002
A dynamic role for the mushroom bodies in promoting sleep in Drosophila
JL Pitman, JJ McGill, KP Keegan, R Allada
Nature 441 (7094), 753-756, 2006
Structure, fluctuation and magnitude of a natural grassland soil metagenome
TO Delmont, E Prestat, KP Keegan, M Faubladier, P Robe, IM Clark, ...
The ISME journal 6 (9), 1677-1687, 2012
The MG-RAST metagenomics database and portal in 2015
A Wilke, J Bischof, W Gerlach, E Glass, T Harrison, KP Keegan, T Paczian, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D590-D594, 2016
Locomotor activity level monitoring using the Drosophila Activity Monitoring (DAM) System
C Pfeiffenberger, BC Lear, KP Keegan, R Allada
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2010 (11), pdb. prot5518, 2010
clockwork orange Encodes a Transcriptional Repressor Important for Circadian-Clock Amplitude in Drosophila
C Lim, BY Chung, JL Pitman, JJ McGill, S Pradhan, J Lee, KP Keegan, ...
Current biology 17 (12), 1082-1089, 2007
Bacterial community structure and functional contributions to emergence of health or necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants
EC Claud, KP Keegan, JM Brulc, L Lu, D Bartels, E Glass, EB Chang, ...
Microbiome 1, 1-11, 2013
Drosophila Clock Can Generate Ectopic Circadian Clocks
J Zhao, VL Kilman, KP Keegan, Y Peng, P Emery, M Rosbash, R Allada
Cell 113 (6), 755-766, 2003
Meta-Analysis of Drosophila Circadian Microarray Studies Identifies a Novel Set of Rhythmically Expressed Genes
KP Keegan, S Pradhan, JP Wang, R Allada
PLoS computational biology 3 (11), e208, 2007
Skyport-container-based execution environment management for multi-cloud scientific workflows
W Gerlach, W Tang, K Keegan, T Harrison, A Wilke, J Bischof, M D'Souza, ...
2014 5th International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds, 25-32, 2014
Predicted Relative Metabolomic Turnover (PRMT): determining metabolic turnover from a coastal marine metagenomic dataset
PE Larsen, FR Collart, D Field, F Meyer, KP Keegan, CS Henry, ...
Microbial informatics and experimentation 1, 1-11, 2011
A platform-independent method for detecting errors in metagenomic sequencing data: DRISEE
KP Keegan, WL Trimble, J Wilkening, A Wilke, T Harrison, M D'Souza, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (6), e1002541, 2012
Microbial Metabolism Shifts Towards an Adverse Profile with Supplementary Iron in the TIM-2 In vitro Model of the Human Colon
GAM Kortman, BE Dutilh, AJH Maathuis, UF Engelke, J Boekhorst, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1481, 2016
The DOE systems biology knowledgebase (KBase)
AP Arkin, RL Stevens, RW Cottingham, S Maslov, CS Henry, P Dehal, ...
BioRxiv, 096354, 2016
Processing sleep data created with the Drosophila Activity Monitoring (DAM) System
C Pfeiffenberger, BC Lear, KP Keegan, R Allada
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2010 (11), pdb. prot5520, 2010
Short-read reading-frame predictors are not created equal: sequence error causes loss of signal
WL Trimble, KP Keegan, M D’Souza, A Wilke, J Wilkening, J Gilbert, ...
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-10, 2012
Processing circadian data collected from the Drosophila Activity Monitoring (DAM) System
C Pfeiffenberger, BC Lear, KP Keegan, R Allada
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2010 (11), pdb. prot5519, 2010
Connecting genotype to phenotype in the era of high-throughput sequencing
CS Henry, R Overbeek, F Xia, AA Best, E Glass, J Gilbert, P Larsen, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1810 (10), 967-977, 2011
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Articles 1–20