Gianguido Baldinozzi
Gianguido Baldinozzi
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Local and long range polar order in the relaxor-ferroelectric compounds PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 and PbMg 0.3 Nb 0.6 Ti 0.1 O 3
B Dkhil, JM Kiat, G Calvarin, G Baldinozzi, SB Vakhrushev, E Suard
Physical Review B 65 (2), 024104, 2001
Neutron Diffraction Study of the in Situ Oxidation of UO2
L Desgranges, G Baldinozzi, G Rousseau, JC Niepce, G Calvarin
Inorganic chemistry 48 (16), 7585-7592, 2009
Microstructure and magnetic properties of strained thin films
AM Haghiri-Gosnet, J Wolfman, B Mercey, C Simon, P Lecoeur, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (7), 4257-4264, 2000
Modeling of line-shape asymmetry in powder diffraction
JF Bérar, G Baldinozzi
Applied Crystallography 26 (1), 128-129, 1993
Charge ordering in the layered Co-based perovskite HoBaCo 2 O 5
E Suard, F Fauth, V Caignaert, I Mirebeau, G Baldinozzi
Physical Review B 61 (18), R11871, 2000
Raman spectrum of U4O9: a new interpretation of damage lines in UO2
L Desgranges, G Baldinozzi, P Simon, G Guimbretière, A Canizares
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (3), 455-458, 2012
Synthesis of nanosized zirconium carbide by a sol–gel route
M Dolle, D Gosset, C Bogicevic, F Karolak, D Simeone, G Baldinozzi
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (4), 2061-2067, 2007
A detailed study of UO2 to U3O8 oxidation phases and the associated rate-limiting steps
G Rousseau, L Desgranges, F Charlot, N Millot, JC Nièpce, M Pijolat, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 355 (1-3), 10-20, 2006
Neutron Diffraction Study of the Size-Induced Tetragonal to Monoclinic Phase Transition<? format?> in Zirconia Nanocrystals
G Baldinozzi, D Simeone, D Gosset, M Dutheil
Physical Review Letters 90 (21), 216103, 2003
Density Functional Theory Calculations of UO2 Oxidation: Evolution of UO2+x, U4O9–y, U3O7, and U3O8
DA Andersson, G Baldinozzi, L Desgranges, DR Conradson, ...
Inorganic chemistry 52 (5), 2769-2778, 2013
Structural evolution of zirconium carbide under ion irradiation
D Gosset, M Dollé, D Simeone, G Baldinozzi, L Thomé
Journal of nuclear materials 373 (1-3), 123-129, 2008
Role of antisite disorder on preamorphization swelling in titanate pyrochlores
YH Li, BP Uberuaga, C Jiang, S Choudhury, JA Valdez, MK Patel, J Won, ...
Physical review letters 108 (19), 195504, 2012
Crystal structure of the antiferroelectric perovskite Pb2MgWO6
G Baldinozzi, P Sciau, M Pinot, D Grebille
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 51 (5), 668-673, 1995
Investigation on the zirconia phase transition under irradiation
D Simeone, JL Bechade, D Gosset, A Chevarier, P Daniel, H Pilliaire, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 281 (2-3), 171-181, 2000
Study of boron carbide evolution under neutron irradiation by Raman spectroscopy
D Simeone, C Mallet, P Dubuisson, G Baldinozzi, C Gervais, J Maquet
Journal of nuclear materials 277 (1), 1-10, 2000
XND code: From X-ray laboratory data to incommensurately modulated phases
JF Berar, G Baldinozzi
Rietveld modeling of complex materials. CPD Newsletter 20, 3-5, 1998
Monoclinic to tetragonal semireconstructive phase transition of zirconia
D Simeone, G Baldinozzi, D Gosset, M Dutheil, A Bulou, T Hansen
Physical Review B 67 (6), 064111, 2003
Refinement of the α-U4O9 Crystalline Structure: New Insight into the U4O9 → U3O8 Transformation
L Desgranges, G Baldinozzi, D Simeone, HE Fischer
Inorganic chemistry 50 (13), 6146-6151, 2011
An ab-initio study of the rôle of lone pairs in the structure and insulator–metal transition in SnO and PbO
JM Raulot, G Baldinozzi, R Seshadri, P Cortona
Solid state sciences 4 (4), 467-474, 2002
Mesoporous α-Fe 2 O 3 thin films synthesized via the sol–gel process for light-driven water oxidation
W Hamd, S Cobo, J Fize, G Baldinozzi, W Schwartz, M Reymermier, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (38), 13224-13232, 2012
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