Michael Frank
Michael Frank
Department of Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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Cited by
Twenty-five comparators is optimal when sorting nine inputs (and twenty-nine for ten)
M Codish, L Cruz-Filipe, M Frank, P Schneider-Kamp
2014 IEEE 26th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2014
Computing the Ramsey number R (4, 3, 3) using abstraction and symmetry breaking
M Codish, M Frank, A Itzhakov, A Miller
Constraints 21 (3), 375-393, 2016
Sorting nine inputs requires twenty-five comparisons
M Codish, L Cruz-Filipe, M Frank, P Schneider-Kamp
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 82 (3), 551-563, 2016
The DNA Word Design Problem: A New Constraint Model and New Results.
M Codish, M Frank, V Lagoon
IJCAI, 585-591, 2017
When Six Gates are Not Enough
M Codish, L Cruz-Filipe, M Frank, P Schneider-Kamp
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.05737, 2015
Logic Programming with Graph Automorphism: Integrating nauty with Prolog (Tool Description)*
M Frank, M Codish
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 16 (5-6), 688-702, 2016
Logic Programming with Max-Clique and its Application to Graph Coloring (Tool Description)
M Codish, M Frank, A Metodi, M Muslimany
Technical Communications of the 33rd International Conference on Logic …, 2018
Logic programming with graph automorphism: Integrating nauty with prolog (a tool paper)
M Frank, M Codish
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.04829, 2016
Solving graph coloring problems with abstraction and symmetry
M Codish, M Frank, A Itzhakov, A Miller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.5189, 2014
Methods for Solving Extremal Problems in Practice
M Frank
Technical Communications of the 32nd International Conference on Logic …, 2016
Breaking Symmetries in Graph Coloring Problems with Degree Matrices: the Ramsey Number R (4, 3, 3)= 30⋆
M Codish, M Frank, A Itzhakov, A Miller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.5189, 2014
Solving Graph Coloring Problems with Abstraction and Symmetry: the Ramsey Number R (4, 3, 3)= 30.
M Codish, M Frank, A Itzhakov, A Miller
CoRR, 2014
DNA Word Design: A New Constraint Model and New Results
M Codish, M Frank, V Lagoon
Proofs for Optimality of Sorting Networks by Logic Programming
M Codish, L Cruz-Filipe, M Frank, P Schneider-Kamp
Workshop on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems and …, 0
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Articles 1–14