Tania Bobbo
Tania Bobbo
Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, National Research Council of Italy, Milan
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Associations between pathogen-specific cases of subclinical mastitis and milk yield, quality, protein composition, and cheese-making traits in dairy cows
T Bobbo, PL Ruegg, G Stocco, E Fiore, M Gianesella, M Morgante, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (6), 4868-4883, 2017
Breed of cow and herd productivity affect milk composition and modeling of coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis
G Stocco, C Cipolat-Gotet, T Bobbo, A Cecchinato, G Bittante
Journal of dairy science 100 (1), 129-145, 2017
Variation in blood serum proteins and association with somatic cell count in dairy cattle from multi-breed herds
T Bobbo, E Fiore, M Gianesella, M Morgante, L Gallo, PL Ruegg, ...
Animal 11 (12), 2309-2319, 2017
The nonlinear effect of somatic cell count on milk composition, coagulation properties, curd firmness modeling, cheese yield, and curd nutrient recovery
T Bobbo, C Cipolat-Gotet, G Bittante, A Cecchinato
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (7), 5104-5119, 2016
Comparison of machine learning methods to predict udder health status based on somatic cell counts in dairy cows
T Bobbo, S Biffani, C Taccioli, M Penasa, M Cassandro
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13642, 2021
Genetic variation and effects of candidate-gene polymorphisms on coagulation properties, curd firmness modeling and acidity in milk from Brown Swiss cows
A Cecchinato, S Chessa, C Ribeca, C Cipolat-Gotet, T Bobbo, J Casellas, ...
Animal 9 (7), 1104-1112, 2015
Genetic aspects of milk differential somatic cell count in Holstein cows: A preliminary analysis
T Bobbo, M Penasa, M Cassandro
Journal of dairy science 102 (5), 4275-4279, 2019
Genetic variation in serum protein pattern and blood β-hydroxybutyrate and their relationships with udder health traits, protein profile, and cheese-making properties in …
A Cecchinato, T Bobbo, PL Ruegg, L Gallo, G Bittante, S Pegolo
Journal of dairy science 101 (12), 11108-11119, 2018
Combining total and differential somatic cell count to better assess the association of udder health status with milk yield, composition and coagulation properties in cattle
T Bobbo, M Penasa, M Cassandro
Italian Journal of Animal Science 19 (1), 697-703, 2020
Genetic relationships of alternative somatic cell count traits with milk yield, composition and udder type traits in Italian Jersey cows
T Bobbo, C Roveglia, M Penasa, G Visentin, R Finocchiaro, M Cassandro
Animal Science Journal 90 (7), 808-817, 2019
Alternative somatic cell count traits exploitable in genetic selection for mastitis resistance in Italian Holsteins
T Bobbo, M Penasa, R Finocchiaro, G Visentin, M Cassandro
Journal of dairy science 101 (11), 10001-10010, 2018
Genetic parameters for linear type traits including locomotion in Italian Jersey cattle breed
C Roveglia, G Niero, T Bobbo, M Penasa, R Finocchiaro, G Visentin, ...
Livestock Science 229, 131-136, 2019
Association between udder health status and blood serum proteins in dairy cows
T Bobbo, PL Ruegg, E Fiore, M Gianesella, M Morgante, D Pasotto, ...
Journal of dairy science 100 (12), 9775-9780, 2017
Genetic aspects of milk urea nitrogen and new indicators of nitrogen efficiency in dairy cows
T Bobbo, M Penasa, A Rossoni, M Cassandro
Journal of dairy science 103 (10), 9207-9212, 2020
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the association between milk metabolites and udder quarter health status in dairy cows
T Bobbo, G Meoni, G Niero, L Tenori, C Luchinat, M Cassandro, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 105 (1), 535-548, 2022
Genetic parameters of bovine milk fatty acid profile, yield, composition, total and differential somatic cell count
T Bobbo, M Penasa, M Cassandro
Animals 10 (12), 2406, 2020
Exploiting machine learning methods with monthly routine milk recording data and climatic information to predict subclinical mastitis in Italian Mediterranean buffaloes
T Bobbo, R Matera, G Pedota, A Manunza, A Cotticelli, G Neglia, S Biffani
Journal of Dairy Science 106 (3), 1942-1952, 2023
Discovering novel clues of natural selection on four worldwide goat breeds
A Manunza, JR Diaz, BL Sayre, P Cozzi, T Bobbo, T Deniskova, A Dotsev, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 2110, 2023
Effect of breed and dairy system on milk composition and udder health traits in multi-breed dairy herds
T Bobbo, A Cecchinato, C Cipolat-Gotet, G Stocco, G Bittante
Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis 18 (1), 81-88, 2014
Dairy cows’ health during alpine summer grazing as assessed by milk traits, including differential somatic cell count: A case study from Italy
G Niero, T Bobbo, S Callegaro, G Visentin, C Pornaro, M Penasa, G Cozzi, ...
Animals 11 (4), 981, 2021
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Articles 1–20