Vincent Jacquet
Vincent Jacquet
F.R.S.-FNRS ; Université de Namur
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Cited by
Explaining non‐participation in deliberative mini‐publics
V Jacquet
European Journal of Political Research 56 (3), 640-659, 2017
The role and the future of deliberative mini-publics: A citizen perspective
V Jacquet
Political Studies 67 (3), 639-657, 2019
Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens’ and MPs’ support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal
V Jacquet, C Niessen, M Reuchamps
International Political Science Review, 0192512120949958, 2022
The consequences of deliberative minipublics: Systematic overview, conceptual gaps, and new directions
V Jacquet, R van der Does
Representation 57 (1), 131-141, 2021
Intercameral relations in a bicameral elected and sortition legislature
PÉ Vandamme, V Jacquet, C Niessen, J Pitseys, M Reuchamps
Politics & Society 46 (3), 381-400, 2018
Small-scale deliberation and mass democracy: A systematic review of the spillover effects of deliberative minipublics
R Van der Does, V Jacquet
Political Studies 71 (1), 218-237, 2023
Deliberation and policy-making: Three ways to think about minipublics’ consequences
V Jacquet, R van der Does
Administration & Society 53 (3), 468-487, 2021
The macro political uptake of the G1000 in Belgium
V Jacquet, J Moskovic, D Caluwaerts, M Reuchamps
Constitutional deliberative democracy in Europe, 53-73, 2016
Institutionalising participatory and deliberative procedures: The origins of the first permanent citizens’ assembly
H Macq, V Jacquet
European Journal of Political Research 62 (1), 156-173, 2023
Union sacrée ou union forcée? Les parlementaires belges face à l’impératif délibératif
V Jacquet, N Schiffino, M Reuchamps, D Latinis
Participations, 171-203, 2015
Les mini-publics en Belgique (2001-2018): expériences de panels citoyens délibératifs
J Vrydagh, S Devillers, D Talukder, V Jacquet, J Bottin
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 24772478 (32), 5-72, 2020
Le G1000: une expérience citoyenne de démocratie délibérative
M Reuchamps, D Caluwaerts, J Dodeigne, V Jacquet, J Moskovic, ...
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 23442345 (19), 5-104, 2017
Deliberative democracy and political parties: functions and consequences
S Gherghina, S Soare, V Jacquet
European Political Science 19 (2), 200-211, 2020
Les gouvernants face aux transformations de la démocratie: Le point de vue des ministres et des présidents de parti
N Schiffino, V Jacquet, M Cogels, M Reuchamps
Gouvernement & action publique, 57-80, 2019
Public consultation and participation in Belgium: directly engaging citizens beyond the ballot box?
J Van Damme, V Jacquet, N Schiffino, M Reuchamps
Policy analysis in Belgium, 215-234, 2017
Who wants to pay for deliberative democracy? The crowdfunders of the G1000 in Belgium
V Jacquet, M Reuchamps
European Political Science Review 10 (1), 29-49, 2018
Comprendre la non-participation. Les citoyens face aux dispositifs délibératifs tirés au sort
V Jacquet
Consultation populaire et référendum en Belgique
T Gaudin, V Jacquet, JB Pilet, M Reuchamps
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 23902391 (25), 5-62, 2018
The attractiveness of local and national list labels: the role of socio-economic inequalities on the success of electoral lists
J Dodeigne, V Jacquet, M Reuchamps
Local government studies 46 (5), 763-779, 2020
What is a good democracy? Citizens’ support for new modes of governing
D Caluwaerts, B Biard, V Jacquet, M Reuchamps
Mind the Gap. Political Participation and Representation in Belgium, 75-89, 2017
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Articles 1–20