Gennady Sarkisov
Gennady Sarkisov
FIAN/ IPPLM/ Ecole Poly/ BARC/ UCI/ CUOS/ UNR/ SNL/ Ktech/ AFRL/ Raytheon/ SEM-SOL
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Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet
GS Sarkisov, VY Bychenkov, VN Novikov, VT Tikhonchuk, A Maksimchuk, ...
Physical Review E 59 (6), 7042, 1999
Characteristics and scaling of tungsten-wire-array -pinch implosion dynamics at 20 MA
ME Cuneo, EM Waisman, SV Lebedev, JP Chittenden, WA Stygar, ...
Physical Review E 71 (4), 046406, 2005
Nanosecond electrical explosion of thin aluminum wires in a vacuum: Experimental and computational investigations
GS Sarkisov, SE Rosenthal, KR Cochrane, KW Struve, C Deeney, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (4 …, 2005
Evolution of a plasma waveguide created during relativistic-ponderomotive self-channeling of an intense laser pulse
SY Chen, GS Sarkisov, A Maksimchuk, R Wagner, D Umstadter
Physical Review Letters 80 (12), 2610, 1998
State of the metal core in nanosecond exploding wires and related phenomena
GS Sarkisov, PV Sasorov, KW Struve, DH McDaniel
Journal of Applied Physics 96 (3), 1674-1686, 2004
Polarity effect for exploding wires in a vacuum
GS Sarkisov, PV Sasorov, KW Struve, DH McDaniel, AN Gribov, ...
Physical Review E 66 (4), 046413, 2002
Effect of current rate on energy deposition into exploding metal wires in vacuum
GS Sarkisov, KW Struve, DH McDaniel
Physics of Plasmas 11 (10), 4573-4581, 2004
Mass-profile and instability-growth measurements for 300-wire Z-pinch implosions driven by 14–18 MA
DB Sinars, ME Cuneo, EP Yu, DE Bliss, TJ Nash, JL Porter, C Deeney, ...
Physical Review Letters 93 (14), 145002, 2004
Multi-dimensional high energy density physics modeling and simulation of wire array Z-pinch physics
CJ Garasi, DE Bliss, TA Mehlhorn, BV Oliver, AC Robinson, GS Sarkisov
Physics of Plasmas 11 (5), 2729-2737, 2004
Observation of the plasma channel dynamics and Coulomb explosion in the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a He gas jet
GS Sarkisov, VYU Bychenkov, VT Tikhonchuk, A Maksimchuk, S Chen, ...
JETP Letters 66 (12), 828, 1997
Effect of deposited energy on the structure of an exploding tungsten wire core in a vacuum
GS Sarkisov, KW Struve, DH McDaniel
Physics of Plasmas 12 (5), 052702, 2005
Measurements of the mass distribution and instability growth for wire-array Z-pinch implosions driven by 14–20 MA
DB Sinars, ME Cuneo, B Jones, CA Coverdale, TJ Nash, MG Mazarakis, ...
Physics of Plasmas 12 (5), 056303, 2005
Shearing interferometer with an air wedge for the electron density diagnostics in a dense plasma
GS Sarkisov
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 39 (5), 727-731, 1996
Dynamics of mass transport and magnetic fields in low-wire-number-array Z pinches
VV Ivanov, VI Sotnikov, GS Sarkisov, TE Cowan, SN Bland, B Jones, ...
Physical Review Letters 97 (12), 125001, 2006
Corona-free electrical explosion of polyimide-coated tungsten wire in vacuum
GS Sarkisov, SE Rosenthal, KW Struve, DH McDaniel
Physical Review Letters 94 (3), 035004, 2005
Direct experimental evidence for current-transfer mode operation of nested tungsten wire arrays at 16–19 MA
ME Cuneo, DB Sinars, DE Bliss, EM Waisman, JL Porter, WA Stygar, ...
Physical Review Letters 94 (22), 225003, 2005
Transformation of a tungsten wire to the plasma state by nanosecond electrical explosion in vacuum
GS Sarkisov, SE Rosenthal, KW Struve
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (5 …, 2008
Thermodynamical calculation of metal heating in nanosecond exploding wire and foil experiments
GS Sarkisov, SE Rosenthal, KW Struve
Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (4), 043505, 2007
Interferometric measurements of dynamic polarizabilities for metal atoms using electrically exploding wires in vacuum
GS Sarkisov, IL Beigman, VP Shevelko, KW Struve
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (4), 042501, 2006
Homogeneous electrical explosion of tungsten wire in vacuum
GS Sarkisov, BS Bauer, JS De Groot
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 73, 69-74, 2001
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Articles 1–20