Scott Baldwin
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Cited by
Untangling the alliance-outcome correlation: exploring the relative importance of therapist and patient variability in the alliance.
SA Baldwin, BE Wampold, ZE Imel
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 75 (6), 842, 2007
Therapist effects: Findings and methods
SA Baldwin, ZE Imel
Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change 6, 258-297, 2013
Does marriage and relationship education work? A meta-analytic study.
AJ Hawkins, VL Blanchard, SA Baldwin, EB Fawcett
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 76 (5), 723, 2008
Continuing bonds and reconstructing meaning: Mitigating complications in bereavement
RA Neimeyer, SA Baldwin, J Gillies
Death studies 30 (8), 715-738, 2006
The dynamics of self-esteem: A growth-curve analysis
SA Baldwin, JP Hoffmann
Journal of youth and adolescence 31, 101-113, 2002
Meta‐analysis of MFT interventions
WR Shadish, SA Baldwin
Journal of Marital and Family therapy 29 (4), 547-570, 2003
Rates of change in naturalistic psychotherapy: Contrasting dose–effect and good-enough level models of change.
SA Baldwin, A Berkeljon, DC Atkins, JA Olsen, SL Nielsen
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (2), 203, 2009
A tutorial on count regression and zero-altered count models for longitudinal substance use data.
DC Atkins, SA Baldwin, C Zheng, RJ Gallop, C Neighbors
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (1), 166, 2013
Investigating the effects of marriage and relationship education on couples' communication skills: a meta-analytic study.
VL Blanchard, AJ Hawkins, SA Baldwin, EB Fawcett
Journal of family psychology 23 (2), 203, 2009
The effects of family therapies for adolescent delinquency and substance abuse: A meta‐analysis
SA Baldwin, S Christian, A Berkeljon, WR Shadish
Journal of marital and family therapy 38 (1), 281-304, 2012
Effects of behavioral marital therapy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
WR Shadish, SA Baldwin
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (1), 6, 2005
Multiple pathways to functional impairment in obsessive–compulsive disorder
Y Markarian, MJ Larson, MA Aldea, SA Baldwin, D Good, A Berkeljon, ...
Clinical psychology review 30 (1), 78-88, 2010
Youth psychotherapy change trajectories and outcomes in usual care: Community mental health versus managed care settings.
JS Warren, PL Nelson, SA Mondragon, SA Baldwin, GM Burlingame
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 78 (2), 144, 2010
Empirically supported treatments or type I errors? Problems with the analysis of data from group-administered treatments.
SA Baldwin, DM Murray, WR Shadish
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (5), 924, 2005
How does noise affect amplitude and latency measurement of event‐related potentials (ERPs)? A methodological critique and simulation study
PE Clayson, SA Baldwin, MJ Larson
Psychophysiology 50 (2), 174-186, 2013
Racial/ethnic disparities in therapist effectiveness: A conceptualization and initial study of cultural competence.
ZE Imel, S Baldwin, DC Atkins, J Owen, T Baardseth, BE Wampold
Journal of Counseling Psychology 58 (3), 290, 2011
Relative effects of CBT and pharmacotherapy in depression versus anxiety: is medication somewhat better for depression, and CBT somewhat better for anxiety?
B Roshanaei‐Moghaddam, MC Pauly, DC Atkins, SA Baldwin, MB Stein, ...
Depression and anxiety 28 (7), 560-567, 2011
Bayesian methods for the analysis of small sample multilevel data with a complex variance structure.
SA Baldwin, GW Fellingham
Psychological methods 18 (2), 151, 2013
Analyzing multiple outcomes in clinical research using multivariate multilevel models.
SA Baldwin, ZE Imel, SR Braithwaite, DC Atkins
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 82 (5), 920, 2014
Beyond the individual: Group effects in mindfulness-based stress reduction
Z Imel, S Baldwin, K Bonus, D MacCoon
Psychotherapy Research 18 (6), 735-742, 2008
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Articles 1–20