Atif Adnan
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Cited by
Improving empirical evidence on differentiating closely related men with RM Y-STRs: a comprehensive pedigree study from Pakistan
A Adnan, A Ralf, A Rakha, N Kousouri, M Kayser
Forensic Science International: Genetics 25, 45-51, 2016
Genomic insights into the demographic history of the Southern Chinese
X Huang, ZY Xia, X Bin, G He, J Guo, A Adnan, L Yin, Y Huang, J Zhao, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 853391, 2022
Genetic characterization of Y-chromosomal STRs in Hazara ethnic group of Pakistan and confirmation of DYS448 null allele
A Adnan, A Rakha, K Kasim, A Noor, S Nazir, S Hadi, H Pang
International Journal of Legal Medicine 133, 789-793, 2019
Population data of 17 Y-STRs (Yfiler) from Punjabis and Kashmiris of Pakistan
A Adnan, A Rakha, A Noor, M van Oven, A Ralf, M Kayser
International journal of legal medicine 132, 137-138, 2018
Mutation analysis at 17 Y-STR loci (Yfiler) in father-son pairs of male pedigrees from Pakistan
MK Atif Adnan, Allah Rakha, Oscar Lao
Forensic Science International: Genetics 35, 2018
A comprehensive exploration of the genetic legacy and forensic features of Afghanistan and Pakistan Mongolian-descent Hazara
G He, A Adnan, A Rakha, HY Yeh, M Wang, X Zou, J Guo, M Rehman, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 42, e1-e12, 2019
Comprehensive biomechanical analysis of three clinically used fixation constructs for posterior malleolar fractures using cadaveric and finite element analysis
A Anwar, Z Hu, A Adnan, Y Gao, B Li, MU Nazir, C Tian, Y Wang, D Lv, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 18639, 2020
Genetic analysis of 12 X-STRs for forensic purposes in Liaoning Manchu population from China
J Xing, A Adnan, A Rakha, K Kasim, A Noor, J Xuan, X Zhang, J Yao, ...
Gene 683, 153-158, 2019
Population data and phylogenetic structure of Han population from Jiangsu province of China on GlobalFiler STR loci
A Adnan, X Zhan, K Kasim, A Rakha, XJ Xin
International journal of legal medicine 132, 1301-1304, 2018
Population data of 23 Y STRs from Manchu population of liaoning province, northeast China
A Adnan, K Kasim, A Rakha, A Noor, AS Cheema, S Hadi, J Xing
International Journal of Legal Medicine 133, 785-788, 2019
Discriminating Power of Rapidly Mutating Y-STRs in deep rooted endogamous pedigrees from Sindhi population of Pakistan
KJS Allah Rakha , Yu Na Oh , Hwan Young Lee , Safdar Hussain , Ali Muhammad ...
Legal Medicine, 2018
Tracing the genetic legacy of the Tibetan empire in the Balti
XY Yang, A Rakha, W Chen, J Hou, XB Qi, QK Shen, SS Dai, X Sulaiman, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (4), 1529-1536, 2021
Developmental validation of Y-SNP pedigree tagging system: a panel via quick ARMS PCR
C Yin, Y Ren, A Adnan, J Tian, K Guo, M Xia, Z He, D Zhai, X Chen, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 46, 102271, 2020
Forensic features and genetic legacy of the Baloch population of Pakistan and the Hazara population across Durand line revealed by Y-chromosomal STRs
A Adnan, A Rakha, S Nazir, R Alghafri, Q Hassan, CC Wang, J Lu
International Journal of Legal Medicine 135, 1777-1784, 2021
Mutation rate analysis of RM Y-STRs in deep-rooted multi-generational Punjabi Pedigrees from Pakistan
S Nazir, A Adnan, RA Rehman, WS Al-Qahtani, AB Alsaleh, HS Al-Harthi, ...
Genes 13 (8), 1403, 2022
Association analysis of NUCKS1 and INPP5K polymorphism with Parkinson’s disease
W Zhu, X Luo, A Adnan, P Yu, S Zhang, Z Huo, Q Xu, H Pang
Genes & Genetic Systems 92, 2018
Large-scale pedigree analysis highlights rapidly mutating Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats for differentiating patrilineal relatives and predicting their degrees of consanguinity
A Ralf, D Montiel González, D Zandstra, B van Wersch, N Kousouri, ...
Human Genetics 142 (1), 145-160, 2023
Discrimination of monozygotic twins using mtDNA heteroplasmy through probe capture enrichment and massively parallel sequencing
Y Zhong, K Zeng, A Adnan, YZ Li, X Hou, Y Pan, A Li, X Zhu, P Lv, Z Du, ...
International Journal of Legal Medicine 137 (5), 1337-1345, 2023
Phylogenetic relationship and genetic history of Central Asian Kazakhs inferred from Y-chromosome and autosomal variations
A Adnan, G He, A Rakha, K Kasimu, J Guo, SE Hassan, S Hadi, CC Wang, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 295, 221-231, 2020
Evaluation of 13 rapidly mutating Y-STRs in endogamous Punjabi and Sindhi ethnic groups from Pakistan
A Adnan, A Rakha, S Nazir, MF Khan, S Hadi, J Xuan
International Journal of Legal Medicine 133, 799-802, 2019
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Articles 1–20