Alain Girault
Alain Girault
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Hierarchical finite state machines with multiple concurrency models
A Girault, B Lee, EA Lee
IEEE Transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1999
Building timing predictable embedded systems
P Axer, R Ernst, H Falk, A Girault, D Grund, N Guan, B Jonsson, ...
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 13 (4), 1-37, 2014
A bi-criteria scheduling heuristic for distributed embedded systems under reliability and real-time constraints
I Assayad, A Girault, H Kalla
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2004, 347-356, 2004
A novel bicriteria scheduling heuristics providing a guaranteed global system failure rate
A Girault, H Kalla
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 6 (4), 241-254, 2008
SystemJ: A GALS language for system level design
A Malik, Z Salcic, PS Roop, A Girault
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 36 (4), 317-344, 2010
Towards a higher-order synchronous data-flow language
JL Colaço, A Girault, G Hamon, M Pouzet
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international Conference on Embedded Software …, 2004
Automatic distribution of reactive systems for asynchronous networks of processors
P Caspi, A Girault, D Pilaud
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 25 (3), 416-427, 1999
An algorithm for automatically obtaining distributed and fault-tolerant static schedules
A Girault, H Kalla, M Sighireanu, Y Sorel
Proceeding of international conference on dependable systems and networks …, 2003
Execution of distributed reactive systems
P Caspi, A Girault
EURO-PAR'95 Parallel Processing: First International EURO-PAR Conference …, 1995
A survey of automatic distribution method for synchronous programs
A Girault
International workshop on synchronous languages, applications and programs …, 2005
Off-line real-time fault-tolerant scheduling
C Dima, A Girault, C Lavarenne, Y Sorel
Proceedings Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2001
Automating the addition of fault tolerance with discrete controller synthesis
A Girault, É Rutten
Formal Methods in System Design 35 (2), 190-225, 2009
SPDF: A schedulable parametric data-flow MoC
P Fradet, A Girault, P Poplavko
2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 769-774, 2012
Reliability versus performance for critical applications
A Girault, E Saule, D Trystram
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69 (3), 326-336, 2009
BPDF: A statically analyzable dataflow model with integer and boolean parameters
V Bebelis, P Fradet, A Girault, B Lavigueur
2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Software …, 2013
Predictable multithreading of embedded applications using PRET-C
S Andalam, P Roop, A Girault
Eighth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2010
Automatic production of globally asynchronous locally synchronous systems
A Girault, C Ménier
Embedded Software: Second International Conference, EMSOFT 2002 Grenoble …, 2002
Widening with thresholds for programs with complex control graphs
L Lakhdar-Chaouch, B Jeannet, A Girault
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 9th International …, 2011
Attributing and referencing (research) software: Best practices and outlook from Inria
P Alliez, R Di Cosmo, B Guedj, A Girault, MS Hacid, A Legrand, N Rougier
Computing in Science & Engineering 22 (1), 39-52, 2019
Adaptor synthesis for real-time components
M Tivoli, P Fradet, A Girault, G Goessler
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2007
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Articles 1–20