Kevin Fox
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Cited by
A critical period for experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in rat barrel cortex
K Fox
Journal of Neuroscience 12 (5), 1826-1838, 1992
Flow of excitation within rat barrel cortex on striking a single vibrissa
M Armstrong-James, K Fox, A Das-Gupta
Journal of neurophysiology 68 (4), 1345-1358, 1992
Spatiotemporal convergence and divergence in the rat S1 “barrel” cortex
M Armstrong‐James, K Fox
Journal of Comparative Neurology 263 (2), 265-281, 1987
Anatomical pathways and molecular mechanisms for plasticity in the barrel cortex
K Fox
Neuroscience 111 (4), 799-814, 2002
Postsynaptic control of plasticity in developing somatosensory cortex
BL Schlaggar, K Fox, DM O'Leary
Nature 364 (6438), 623-626, 1993
The role of NMDA receptors in information processing.
NW Daw, PS Stein, K Fox
Annual review of neuroscience 16, 207-222, 1993
The location and function of NMDA receptors in cat and kitten visual cortex
K Fox, H Sato, N Daw
Journal of Neuroscience 9 (7), 2443-2454, 1989
The role of nitric oxide in pre-synaptic plasticity and homeostasis
N Hardingham, J Dachtler, K Fox
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 7, 190, 2013
Critical period for monocular deprivation in the cat visual cortex
NW Daw, K Fox, H Sato, D Czepita
Time course of experience-dependent synaptic potentiation and depression in barrel cortex of adolescent rats
S Glazewski, K Fox
Journal of neurophysiology 75 (4), 1714-1729, 1996
A comparison of experience-dependent plasticity in the visual and somatosensory systems
K Fox, ROL Wong
Neuron 48 (3), 465-477, 2005
Mutant mice and neuroscience: recommendations concerning genetic background
AJ Silva, EM Simpson, JS Takahashi, HP Lipp, S Nakanishi, JM Wehner, ...
Neuron 19 (4), 755-759, 1997
Glutamate receptor blockade at cortical synapses disrupts development of thalamocortical and columnar organization in somatosensory cortex.
K Fox, BL Schlaggar, S Glazewski, DD O'leary
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (11), 5584-5589, 1996
Reversing neurodevelopmental disorders in adults
D Ehninger, W Li, K Fox, MP Stryker, AJ Silva
Neuron 60 (6), 950-960, 2008
Integrating Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity: the current state of the field and future research directions
T Keck, T Toyoizumi, L Chen, B Doiron, DE Feldman, K Fox, W Gerstner, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Requirement for α-CaMKII in experience-dependent plasticity of the barrel cortex
S Glazewski, CM Chen, A Silva, K Fox
Science 272 (5260), 421-423, 1996
Barrel cortex
K Fox, T Woolsey
(No Title), 2008
The effect of varying stimulus intensity on NMDA-receptor activity in cat visual cortex
K Fox, H Sato, N Daw
Journal of Neurophysiology 64 (5), 1413-1428, 1990
The cortical component of experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in the rat barrel cortex
K Fox
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (12), 7665-7679, 1994
CCR5 is a suppressor for cortical plasticity and hippocampal learning and memory
M Zhou, S Greenhill, S Huang, TK Silva, Y Sano, S Wu, Y Cai, Y Nagaoka, ...
Elife 5, e20985, 2016
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Articles 1–20