Bryan Bollinger
Bryan Bollinger
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Peer effects in the diffusion of solar photovoltaic panels
B Bollinger, K Gillingham
Marketing Science 31 (6), 900-912, 2012
Calorie posting in chain restaurants
B Bollinger, P Leslie, A Sorensen
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (1), 91-128, 2011
Predicting advertising success beyond traditional measures: New insights from neurophysiological methods and market response modeling
V Venkatraman, A Dimoka, PA Pavlou, K Vo, W Hampton, B Bollinger, ...
Journal of Marketing Research 52 (4), 436-452, 2015
BYOB: How bringing your own shopping bags leads to treating yourself and the environment
UR Karmarkar, B Bollinger
Journal of Marketing 79 (4), 1-15, 2015
Learning-by-doing in solar photovoltaic installations
B Bollinger, K Gillingham
Available at SSRN 2342406, 2019
Credibility-enhancing displays promote the provision of non-normative public goods
GT Kraft-Todd, B Bollinger, K Gillingham, S Lamp, DG Rand
Nature 563 (7730), 245-248, 2018
Local excise taxes, sticky prices, and spillovers: evidence from Berkeley’s soda tax
B Bollinger, SE Sexton
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 21 (2), 281-331, 2023
Information vs. Automation and implications for dynamic pricing
BK Bollinger, WR Hartmann
Management Science 66 (1), 290-314, 2020
Does time of day affect variety-seeking?
K Gullo, J Berger, J Etkin, B Bollinger
Journal of Consumer research 46 (1), 20-35, 2019
Peer effects in residential water conservation: Evidence from migration
B Bollinger, J Burkhardt, KT Gillingham
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (3), 107-133, 2020
Consumers’ response to an on‐shelf nutrition labelling system in supermarkets: evidence to inform policy and practice
E Hobin, B Bollinger, J Sacco, ELI Liebman, L Vanderlee, FEI Zuo, ...
The Milbank Quarterly 95 (3), 494-534, 2017
Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption
K Gillingham, B Bollinger
Management Science 67 (11), 2021
Green technology adoption: An empirical study of the Southern California garment cleaning industry
B Bollinger
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 13, 319-358, 2015
How can machine learning aid behavioral marketing research?
L Hagen, K Uetake, N Yang, B Bollinger, AJB Chaney, D Dzyabura, ...
Marketing Letters 31, 361-370, 2020
Demand expansion and cannibalization effects from retail store entry: A structural analysis of multichannel demand
SK Shriver, B Bollinger
Management Science 68 (12), 8829-8856, 2022
Visibility and peer influence in durable good adoption
B Bollinger, K Gillingham, AJ Kirkpatrick, S Sexton
Marketing Science 41 (3), 453-476, 2022
How context affects choice
R Thomadsen, RP Rooderkerk, O Amir, N Arora, B Bollinger, K Hansen, ...
Customer Needs and Solutions 5, 3-14, 2018
Educational campaigns for product labels: Evidence from on-shelf nutritional labeling
B Bollinger, E Liebman, D Hammond, E Hobin, J Sacco
Journal of Marketing Research 59 (1), 153-172, 2022
Risk transfer versus cost reduction on two-sided microfinance platforms
B Bollinger, S Yao
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 16, 251-287, 2018
Field experimental evidence shows that self-interest attracts more sunlight
B Bollinger, KT Gillingham, M Ovaere
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (34), 20503-20510, 2020
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Articles 1–20