Elliot Saba
Elliot Saba
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Cited by
A differentiable programming system to bridge machine learning and scientific computing
M Innes, A Edelman, K Fischer, C Rackauckas, E Saba, VB Shah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.07587, 2019
WiBreathe: Estimating respiration rate using wireless signals in natural settings in the home
R Ravichandran, E Saba, KY Chen, M Goel, S Gupta, SN Patel
2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2015
Seismo: Blood pressure monitoring using built-in smartphone accelerometer and camera
EJ Wang, J Zhu, M Jain, TJ Lee, E Saba, L Nachman, SN Patel
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing Systems …, 2018
Spirocall: Measuring lung function over a phone call
M Goel, E Saba, M Stiber, E Whitmire, J Fromm, EC Larson, G Borriello, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
A longitudinal study of pressure sensing to infer real-world water usage events in the home
J Froehlich, E Larson, E Saba, T Campbell, L Atlas, J Fogarty, S Patel
Pervasive Computing: 9th International Conference, Pervasive 2011, San …, 2011
Dante vision: In-air and touch gesture sensing for natural surface interaction with combined depth and thermal cameras
EN Saba, EC Larson, SN Patel
2012 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Signal Processing …, 2012
Generalized physics-informed learning through language-wide differentiable programming
C Rackauckas, A Edelman, K Fischer, M Innes, E Saba, VB Shah, ...
Juliastats/mixedmodels. jl: v4. 0.0
D Bates, P Alday, D Kleinschmidt, P José Bayoán Santiago Calderón, ...
Zenodo. doi 10, 2021
Composing modeling and simulation with machine learning in Julia
C Rackauckas, M Gwozdz, A Jain, Y Ma, F Martinuzzi, U Rajput, E Saba, ...
2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), 1-17, 2022
Automatic full compilation of Julia programs and ML models to cloud TPUs
K Fischer, E Saba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.09868, 2018
Pulmonary monitoring using smartphones
EC Larson, E Saba, S Kaiser, M Goel, SN Patel
Mobile Health: Sensors, Analytic Methods, and Applications, 239-264, 2017
Fashionable modelling with flux (2018)
M Innes, E Saba, K Fischer, D Gandhi, MC Rudilosso, NM Joy, T Karmali, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01457, 1811
Techniques for cough sound analysis
E Saba
A differentiable programming system to bridge machine learning and scientific computing (2019)
M Innes, A Edelman, K Fischer, C Rackauckas, E Saba, VB Shah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.07587, 1907
Fashionable modelling with flux. CoRR abs/1811.01457 (2018)
M Innes, E Saba, K Fischer, D Gandhi, MC Rudilosso, NM Joy, T Karmali, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01457, 1811
A differentiable programming system to bridge machine learning and scientific computing, arXiv
M Innes, A Edelman, K Fischer, C Rackauckas, E Saba, VB Shah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.07587, 2019
Fashionable Modelling with Flux, CoRR, abs/1811.01457
M Innes, E Saba, K Fischer, D Gandhi, MC Rudilosso, NM Joy, T Karmali, ...
Composable and reusable neural surrogates to predict system response of causal model components
R Anantharaman, A Abdelrehim, F Martinuzzi, S Yalburgi, E Saba, ...
AAAI 2022 Workshop on AI for Design and Manufacturing (ADAM), 2021
CoRR abs/1811.01457 (2018)
M Innes, E Saba, K Fischer, D Gandhi, MC Rudilosso, NM Joy, T Karmali, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01457, 0
A differentiable programming system to bridge machine learning and scientific computing. doi: 10.48550
M Innes, A Edelman, K Fischer, C Rackauckas, E Saba, VB Shah, ...
arXiv, 1907
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Articles 1–20