David Jaume
David Jaume
Bank of Mexico (Economist). Ph.D. from Cornell University and MA from UNLP (Arg.)
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Cited by
The Long-run Effects of Teacher Strikes: Evidence from Argentina
D Jaume, A Willén
CEDLAS working paper, 2017
La segregación entre escuelas públicas y privadas en Argentina. Reconstruyendo la evidencia
L Gasparini, D Jaume, M Serio, E Vázquez
Desarrollo Económico: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 189-219, 2011
La segregación escolar público-privada en América Latina
M Arcidiácono, GA Cruces, LC Gasparini, E Vazquez
Naciones Unidas, 2014
Un estudio sobre el incremento de la segregación escolar en Argentina
D Jaume
Documentos de Trabajo del CEDLAS, 2013
Growth, employment, and poverty in Latin America
G Cruces, GS Fields, D Jaume, M Viollaz
Oxford University Press, 2017
Thermal stress and financial distress: Extreme temperatures and firms’ loan defaults in Mexico
S Aguilar-Gomez, E Gutierrez, D Heres, D Jaume, M Tobal
Journal of Development Economics 168, 103246, 2024
Occupational exposure to capital-embodied technical change
J Caunedo, D Jaume, E Keller
American Economic Review 113 (6), 1642-1685, 2023
La segregación escolar en Argentina
LC Gasparini, DJ Jaume, E Vazquez, M Serio
Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales, 2011
Neither by land nor by sea: The rise of electronic remittances during COVID-19
L Dinarte, D Jaume, E Medina-Cortina, H Winkler
The World Bank, 2021
The growth-employment-poverty nexus in Latin America in the 2000s. Uruguay Country Study
G Cruces, G Fields, D Jaume, M Viollaz
Decisiones laborales en América Latina: el caso de los emprendedores
P Gluzmann, D Jaume, L Gasparini
CAF, 2012
The effect of teacher strikes on parents
D Jaume, A Willén
Journal of Development Economics 152, 102679, 2021
Decisiones laborales en América Latina: el caso de los emprendedores. Un estudio sobre la base de encuestas de hogares
P Gluzmann, D Jaume, L Gasparini
Documento de Trabajo, 2012
Do credit supply shocks affect employment in middle-income countries?
E Gutierrez, D Jaume, M Tobal
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 15 (4), 1-36, 2023
Inequality, income dynamics, and worker transitions: The case of Mexico
D Puggioni, M Calderón, A Cebreros Zurita, L Fernández Bujanda, ...
Quantitative Economics 13 (4), 1669-1705, 2022
The labor market effects of an educational expansion
D Jaume
Journal of Development Economics 149, 102619, 2021
Oh mother: The neglected impact of school disruptions
D Jaume, A Willén
Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi, 2018
The labor market effects of an educational expansion: A theoretical model with applications to Brazil
D Jaume
Documento de Trabajo, 2018
Neither by Land nor by Sea: The Rise of Electronic Remittances during COVID-19
LI Dinarte-Diaz, DJ Jaume, E Medina-Cortina, H Winkler
The World Bank, 2022
Income dynamics and inequality: The case of Mexico
D Puggioni, M Calderón, AC Zurita, LF Bujanda, JAI González, D Jaume
Quantitative Economics 13 (4), 1669-1705, 2022
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