Soham Phade
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Cited by
Utility-based resource allocation and pricing for serverless computing
V Gupta, S Phade, T Courtade, K Ramchandran
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.07793, 2020
On the geometry of Nash and correlated equilibria with cumulative prospect theoretic preferences
SR Phade, V Anantharam
Decision Analysis 16 (2), 142-156, 2019
A Distributed Boyle--Dykstra--Han Scheme
SR Phade, VS Borkar
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (3), 1880-1897, 2017
AI for global climate cooperation: modeling global climate negotiations, agreements, and long-term cooperation in RICE-N
T Zhang, A Williams, S Phade, S Srinivasa, Y Zhang, P Gupta, Y Bengio, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07004, 2022
Finding general equilibria in many-agent economic simulations using deep reinforcement learning
M Curry, AR Trott, S Phade, Y Bai, S Zheng
Learning in games with cumulative prospect theoretic preferences
SR Phade, V Anantharam
Dynamic Games and Applications, 1-42, 2023
Learning Solutions in Large Economic Networks using Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.
M Curry, A Trott, S Phade, Y Bai, S Zheng
AAMAS, 2760-2762, 2023
Optimal resource allocation over networks via lottery-based mechanisms
S Phade, V Anantharam
International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 51-70, 2019
Analyzing Micro-Founded General Equilibrium Models with Many Agents using Deep Reinforcement Learning
M Curry, A Trott, S Phade, Y Bai, S Zheng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.01163, 2022
Black-Box Strategies and Equilibrium for Games with Cumulative Prospect Theoretic Players
SR Phade, V Anantharam
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09592, 2020
Interactive learning with pricing for optimal and stable allocations in markets
YE Erginbas, S Phade, K Ramchandran
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 9773-9806, 2023
Interactive Recommendations for Optimal Allocations in Markets with Constraints
YE Erginbas, S Phade, K Ramchandran
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.04143, 2022
Mechanism Design for Cumulative Prospect Theoretic Agents: A General Framework and the Revelation Principle
SR Phade, V Anantharam
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.08722, 2021
On the Impossibility of Convergence of Mixed Strategies with No Regret Learning
V Muthukumar, S Phade, A Sahai
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02125, 2020
Systems and methods for solving multi-agent decision processes with network constraints
S Phade, S Ermon, S Zheng
US Patent App. 18/054,009, 2024
Systems and methods for model-based meta-learning
A Banerjee, S Zheng, S Phade, S Ermon
US Patent App. 18/159,036, 2024
Online pricing for multi-user multi-item markets
YE Erginbas, T Courtade, K Ramchandran, S Phade
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 29718-29740, 2023
AI For Global Climate Cooperation 2023 Competition Proceedings
Y Bengio, P Gupta, L Li, S Phade, S Srinivasa, A Williams, T Zhang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.06951, 2023
MERMAIDE: Learning to Align Learners using Model-Based Meta-Learning
A Banerjee, S Phade, S Ermon, S Zheng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04668, 2023
Behavioral Network Economics
SR Phade
University of California, Berkeley, 2021
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Articles 1–20