Harish-Chandra subalgebras and Gelfand-Zetlin modules YA Drozd, VM Futorny, SA Ovsienko Finite dimensional algebras and related topics, 79-93, 1994 | 141 | 1994 |
Representations of affine Lie algebras V Futorny (No Title), 1997 | 73 | 1997 |
Classification of irreducible representations of Lie algebra of vector fields on a torus Y Billig, V Futorny Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2016 (720 …, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Imaginary Verma modules for affine Lie algebras VM Futorny Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 37 (2), 213-218, 1994 | 69 | 1994 |
The weight representations of semisimple finite-dimensional Lie algebras V Futorny Kiev University, 1987 | 67 | 1987 |
Irreducible non-dense A1 (1)-modules V Futorny Pacific Journal of Mathematics 172 (1), 83-99, 1996 | 61 | 1996 |
Galois orders in skew monoid rings V Futorny, S Ovsienko Journal of Algebra 324 (4), 598-630, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Fibers of characters in Gelfand-Tsetlin categories V Futorny, S Ovsienko Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (8), 4173-4208, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
The Gelfand–Kirillov conjecture and Gelfand–Tsetlin modules for finite W-algebras V Futorny, A Molev, S Ovsienko Advances in Mathematics 223 (3), 773-796, 2010 | 49 | 2010 |
Classification of irreducible nonzero level modules with finite-dimensional weight spaces for affine Lie algebras V Futorny, A Tsylke Journal of Algebra 238 (2), 426-441, 2001 | 49 | 2001 |
New irreducible modules for Heisenberg and affine Lie algebras V Bekkert, G Benkart, V Futorny, I Kashuba Journal of Algebra 373, 284-298, 2013 | 47 | 2013 |
Singular Gelfand–Tsetlin modules of gl (n) V Futorny, D Grantcharov, LE Ramirez Advances in Mathematics 290, 453-482, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
The parabolic subsets of root systems and corresponding representations of affine Lie algebras V Futorny Contemp. Math 131 (2), 45-52, 1992 | 45 | 1992 |
Roth's solvability criteria for the matrix equations AX− XˆB= C and X− AXˆB= C over the skew field of quaternions with an involutive automorphism q↦ qˆ V Futorny, T Klymchuk, VV Sergeichuk Linear Algebra and its Applications 510, 246-258, 2016 | 44 | 2016 |
Categories of induced modules and standardly stratified algebras V Futorny, S Konig, V Mazorchuk Algebras and representation theory 5 (3), 259-276, 2002 | 44 | 2002 |
-subcategories in V Futorny, S König, V Mazorchuk manuscripta mathematica 102 (4), 487-503, 2000 | 44 | 2000 |
Irreducible generic Gelfand-Tsetlin modules of gl (n) V Futorny, D Grantcharov, LE Ramirez SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 11, 018, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
On Gelfand-Zetlin modules YA Drozd, SA Ovsienko, VM Futorny Proceedings of the Winter School" Geometry and Physics", [143]-147, 1991 | 40 | 1991 |
Miniversal deformations of matrices of bilinear forms AR Dmytryshyn, V Futorny, VV Sergeichuk Linear algebra and its applications 436 (7), 2670-2700, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Systems of subspaces of a unitary space VM Bondarenko, V Futorny, T Klimchuk, VV Sergeichuk, K Yusenko Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (5), 2561-2573, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |