Grant Olney Passmore
Cited by
Cited by
The Strategy Challenge in SMT Solving
L de Moura, GO Passmore
Automated Reasoning and Mathematics: Essays in Memory of William W. McCune, 2013
Combined Decision Techniques for the Existential Theory of the Reals
G Passmore, P Jackson
Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 122-137, 2009
Computation in real closed infinitesimal and transcendental extensions of the rationals
L De Moura, GO Passmore
Automated Deduction–CADE-24: 24th International Conference on Automated …, 2013
The imandra automated reasoning system (system description)
G Passmore, S Cruanes, D Ignatovich, D Aitken, M Bray, E Kagan, ...
Automated Reasoning: 10th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2020, Paris …, 2020
Combined decision procedures for nonlinear arithmetics, real and complex
GO Passmore
The University of Edinburgh, 2011
Formal verification of financial algorithms
GO Passmore, D Ignatovich
Automated Deduction–CADE 26: 26th International Conference on Automated …, 2017
Real algebraic strategies for MetiTarski proofs
GO Passmore, LC Paulson, L de Moura
International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 358-370, 2012
Deciding univariate polynomial problems using untrusted certificates in Isabelle/HOL
W Li, GO Passmore, LC Paulson
Journal of Automated Reasoning 62, 69-91, 2019
System and method for modeling and verifying financial trading platforms
D Ignatovich, GO Passmore
US Patent 10,109,010, 2018
Collaborative verification-driven engineering of hybrid systems
S Mitsch, GO Passmore, A Platzer
Mathematics in Computer Science 8, 71-97, 2014
Formal Verification of Graphical Programs
J Kornerup, GO Passmore
US Patent App. 11/834,084, 2009
Proving SPARK verification conditions with SMT solvers
PB Jackson, GO Passmore
Paper regarding the improved results of using SMT-Lib for SPARK, 2009
Some lessons learned in the industrialization of formal methods for financial algorithms
GO Passmore
Formal Methods: 24th International Symposium, FM 2021, Virtual Event …, 2021
On Locally Minimal Nullstellensatz Proofs
L De Moura, GO Passmore
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo …, 2009
Towards a Certified Proof Checker for Deep Neural Network Verification
R Desmartin, O Isac, G Passmore, K Stark, E Komendantskaya, G Katz
International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation …, 2023
A vision of collaborative verification-driven engineering of hybrid systems
S Mitsch, GO Passmore, A Platzer
Proceedings of Enabling Domain Experts to use Formalised Reasoning-Symposium …, 2013
Groebner Basis Construction Algorithms Based on Theorem Proving Saturation Loops
GO Passmore, L de Moura, PB Jackson
Decision Procedures in Software, Hardware and Bioware, 2010
Superfluous S-polynomials in Strategy-Independent Gröbner Bases
GO Passmore, L de Moura
2009 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2009
Neural networks in imandra: matrix representation as a verification choice
R Desmartin, G Passmore, E Kommendentskaya
International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification, 78-95, 2022
CheckINN: Wide Range Neural Network Verification in Imandra
R Desmartin, G Passmore, E Komendantskaya, M Daggit
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Principles and Practice …, 2022
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Articles 1–20