Satoshi Tanaka
Cited by
Cited by
Multidimensional skill mismatch
F Guvenen, B Kuruscu, S Tanaka, D Wiczer
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (1), 210-244, 2020
Who spent their COVID-19 stimulus payment? Evidence from personal finance software in Japan
M Kaneda, S Kubota, S Tanaka
The Japanese Economic Review 72 (3), 409-437, 2021
Does Home Production Drive Structural Transformation?
S Moslehi, S Tanaka, A Moro
2015 Meeting Papers, 2015
Economic impacts of SARS/MERS/COVID‐19 in Asian countries
S Tanaka
Asian Economic Policy Review 17 (1), 41-61, 2022
The heterogeneous effects of Covid-19 on labor markets: People’s movement and non-pharmaceutical interventions
K Hoshi, H Kasahara, R Makioka, M Suzuki, S Tanaka
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 63, 101170, 2022
Trade-off between job losses and the spread of COVID-19 in Japan
K Hoshi, H Kasahara, R Makioka, M Suzuki, S Tanaka
The Japanese Economic Review 72 (4), 683-716, 2021
Earnings growth, job flows and churn
S Tanaka, L Warren, D Wiczer
Journal of Monetary Economics 135, 86-98, 2023
Marriage and economic development in the twentieth century
A Moro, S Moslehi, S Tanaka
Journal of Demographic Economics 83 (4), 379-420, 2017
Sex Ratios and Long-Term Marriage Trends
JV Rıos-Rull, S Seitz, S Tanaka
Working Paper, 2016
Occupational reallocation within and across firms: Implications for labor market polarization
T Mukoyama, N Takayama, S Tanaka
Journal of Monetary Economics, 103701, 2024
American Economic Journal
A Cavallo, G Cruces, R Perez-Truglia, S AOKI, M NIREI, R FERNÁNDEZ, ...
Macroeconomics 9, 1, 2017
High speed electrical discharge machining using 3-DOF controlled magnetic drive actuator
XY Zhang, S Tanaka
Univ. J. Mech. Eng 6, 215-221, 2015
Men’s Rush to Marriage: Implications of the Child Support Enforcement Policy for Marriage, Fertility, and Long-Term Inequality
N Takayama, S Tanaka
Service Trade, Regional Specialization, and Welfare
Y Han, J Miranda-Pinto, S Tanaka
CAMA Working Paper 41/2023, 2023
Sectoral shocks and home substitution
A Moro, S Tanaka
Economics Letters 181, 57-60, 2019
What Women See in Men and Viceversa: Hints from Sex Ratios and Marriage Patterns
JV Ríos-Rull, S Seitz, S Tanaka
Trade and Structural Transformation: A Quantitative Analysis for China
A Moro, LS Song, S Tanaka
Data underpinning" Does home production drive structural transformation"
A Moro, S Moslehi, S Tanaka
American Economic Association, 2017
A Separating Inter-and Intra-Temporal Problems
A Moro, S Moslehi, S Tanaka
ACAM-FoC: A Deep Neural Network Augmented From CAM-FoC to Measure the Grip Force of Mass-Produced Elongated Surgical Instruments........................................ Y. Guo …
Z Lao, Y Han, Y Ma, GS Chirikjian, Y Cho, B Lee, Y Lee, KS Kim, ...
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Articles 1–20