Martijn Groenleer
Cited by
Cited by
The autonomy of European Union agencies: A comparative study of institutional development
M Groenleer
Eburon Uitgeverij BV, 2009
United we stand? The European Union's international actorness in the cases of the International Criminal Court and the Kyoto Protocol
MLP Groenleer, LG Van Schaik
JCMS: Journal of common market studies 45 (5), 969-998, 2007
Building E uropean U nion capacity to manage transboundary crises: Network or lead‐agency model?
A Boin, M Busuioc, M Groenleer
Regulation & governance 8 (4), 418-436, 2014
Paradoxes of collaborative governance: investigating the real-life dynamics of multi-agency collaborations using a quasi-experimental action-research approach
M Waardenburg, M Groenleer, J de Jong, B Keijser
Public Management Review 22 (3), 386-407, 2020
Regulatory governance through agencies of the European Union? The role of the European agencies for maritime and aviation safety in the implementation of European transport …
M Groenleer, M Kaeding, E Versluis
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (8), 1212-1230, 2010
Agency growth between autonomy and accountability: the European Police Office as a ‘living institution'
M Busuioc, D Curtin, M Groenleer
Agency Governance in the EU, 70-89, 2013
The agency phenomenon in the European Union
M Busuioc, MLP Groenleer, J Trondal
Manchester University Press, 2012
Unintended responses to performance management in Dutch hospital care: Bringing together the managerial and professional perspectives
E Kerpershoek, M Groenleer, H de Bruijn
Public Management Review 18 (3), 417-436, 2016
Working for Europe? Socialization in the European Commission and agencies of the European Union
S Suvarierol, M Busuioc, M Groenleer
Public Administration 91 (4), 908-927, 2013
Beyond design: The evolution of Europol and Eurojust
M Busuioc, M Groenleer
Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in the European Union, 13-32, 2016
Pathways to collaborative performance: examining the different combinations of conditions under which collaborations are successful
S Douglas, O Berthod, M Groenleer, J Nederhand
Policy and Society 39 (4), 638-658, 2020
Wielders of supranational power? The administrative behaviour of the heads of European Union agencies
M Busuioc, M Groenleer
The agency phenomenon in the European Union, 128-151, 2012
The European commission and agencies
M Groenleer
The European Commission, 156-172, 2006
Agency autonomy actually: Managerial strategies, legitimacy, and the early development of the European Union's agencies for drug and food safety regulation
MLP Groenleer
International Public Management Journal 17 (2), 255-292, 2014
Designing environments for experimentation, learning and innovation in public policy and governance
M Waardenburg, M Groenleer, J De Jong
Policy & Politics 48 (1), 67-87, 2020
Food control emergencies and the territorialization of the European Union
J Lezaun, M Groenleer
European Integration 28 (5), 437-455, 2006
Subnational mobilization and the reconfiguration of central-local relations in the shadow of Europe: the case of the Dutch decentralized unitary state
M Groenleer, F Hendriks
Regional & Federal Studies 30 (2), 195-217, 2020
The European Union and the International Criminal Court: the politics of international criminal justice
M Groenleer, D Rijks
The European Union and international organizations, 181-201, 2009
Regulatory governance in the European Union: the political struggle over committees, agencies and networks
M Groenleer
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation, 548-560, 2011
The theory and practice of EU agency autonomy and accountability: Early day expectations, today's realities and future perspectives
M Busuioc, MLP Groenleer
in: M. Everson, C. Monda and E. Vos (eds.), European Agencies in between …, 2013
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Articles 1–20