Wolfgang Wende
Wolfgang Wende
Professor, TU Dresden and Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
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Landscape services: the concept and its practical relevance
O Bastian, K Grunewald, RU Syrbe, U Walz, W Wende
Landscape ecology 29, 1463-1479, 2014
Climate change mitigation and adaptation in strategic environmental assessment
W Wende, A Bond, N Bobylev, L Stratmann
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 32 (1), 88-93, 2012
Does landscape play a role in strategic spatial planning of European urban regions?
AM Hersperger, M Bürgi, W Wende, S Bacău, SR Grădinaru
Landscape and Urban Planning 194, 103702, 2020
Mitigation banking and compensation pools: improving the effectiveness of impact mitigation regulation in project planning procedures
W Wende, A Herberg, A Herzberg
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 23 (2), 101-111, 2005
Climate protection and compact urban structures in spatial planning and local construction plans in Germany
W Wende, W Huelsmann, M Marty, G Penn-Bressel, N Bobylev
Land Use Policy 27 (3), 864-868, 2010
J Köppel, W Peters, W Wende
utb GmbH, 2004
Introduction: biodiversity offsets—the European perspective on no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services
W Wende, G Tucker, F Quétier, M Rayment, M Darbi
Biodiversity Offsets: European Perspectives on No Net Loss of Biodiversity …, 2018
“Wilderness”–A designation for Central European landscapes?
G Lupp, F Höchtl, W Wende
Land Use Policy 28 (3), 594-603, 2011
Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of environmental impact assessment in the Federal Republic of Germany
W Wende
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 20 (2), 93-99, 2002
Quality of federal level strategic environmental assessment–A case study analysis for transport, transmission grid and maritime spatial planning in Germany
A Rehhausen, J Köppel, F Scholles, B Stemmer, RU Syrbe, I Magel, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73, 41-59, 2018
Green infrastructure: a planning concept for the urban transformation of former coal-mining cities
P Wirth, J Chang, RU Syrbe, W Wende, T Hu
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 5, 78-91, 2018
Physically apart but socially connected: Lessons in social resilience from community gardening during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Joshi, W Wende
Landscape and Urban Planning 223, 104418, 2022
International approaches to compensation for impacts on biological diversity
M Darbi, H Ohlenburg, A Herberg, W Wende, D Skambracks, M Herbert
Final Report, 1-184, 2009
S Heiland
Henckel, D.; von Kuczkowski, K.; Lau, P, 294-300, 2010
Spatial patterns of associations among ecosystem services across different spatial scales in metropolitan areas: A case study of Shanghai, China
H Chen, W Yan, Z Li, W Wende, S Xiao, S Wan, S Li
Ecological Indicators 136, 108682, 2022
Auswirkungen von Lärm und Planungsinstrumente des Naturschutzes
H Reck, J Rassmus, GM Klump, M Böttcher, H Brüning, I Gutsmiedl, ...
Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 33 (5), 145-149, 2001
Putting the plan into practice: implementation of proposals for measures of local landscape plans
W Wende, W Wojtkiewicz, I Marschall, S Heiland, T Lipp, M Reinke, ...
Landscape research 37 (4), 483-500, 2012
Stories can change the world–citizen science communication in practice
S Hecker, M Luckas, M Brandt, H Kikillus, I Marenbach, B Schiele, ...
UCL Press, 2018
Citizen science for all–a guide for citizen science practitioners
L Pettibone, K Vohland, A Bonn, A Richter, W Bauhus, B Behrisch, ...
Berlin & Leipzig, 2016
Umsetzung von Maßnahmenvorschlägen örtlicher Landschaftspläne. Ergebnisse eines hochschulübergreifenden Evaluierungsprojektes in acht Bundesländern
W Wende, I Marschall, S Heiland, T Lipp, M Reinke, P Schaal, C Schmidt
Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 41 (5), 145-149, 2009
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Articles 1–20