Ana Georgina Flesia
Ana Georgina Flesia
Facultad de Matematica Astronomia y Fisica, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
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Multiscale stepping-stone detection: Detecting pairs of jittered interactive streams by exploiting maximum tolerable delay
DL Donoho, AG Flesia, U Shankar, V Paxson, J Coit, S Staniford
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 5th International Symposium, RAID …, 2002
Digital ridgelet transform based on true ridge functions
DL Donoho, AG Flesia
Studies in computational mathematics 10, 1-30, 2003
Can recent innovations in harmonic analysisexplain'key findings in natural image statistics?
DL Donoho, AG Flesia
Network: computation in neural systems 12 (3), 371-393, 2001
Digital implementation of ridgelet packets
AG Flesia, H Hel-Or, A Averbuch, EJ Candes, RR Coifman, DL Donoho
Studies in Computational Mathematics 10, 31-60, 2003
Testing statistical hypothesis on random trees and applications to the protein classification problem
JR Busch, PA Ferrari, AG Flesia, R Fraiman, SP Grynberg, F Leonardi
Network dynamics: quantitative analysis of complex behavior in metabolism, organelles, and cells, from experiments to models and back
FT Kurz, JM Kembro, AG Flesia, AA Armoundas, S Cortassa, MA Aon, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 9 (1), e1352, 2017
Optimal reduced-rank quadratic classifiers using the Fukunaga-Koontz transform with applications to automated target recognition
X Huo, M Elad, AG Flesia, RR Muise, SR Stanfill, J Friedman, B Popescu, ...
Automatic Target Recognition XIII 5094, 59-72, 2003
Large gap imputation in remote sensed imagery of the environment
V Rulloni, O Bustos, AG Flesia
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (8), 2388-2403, 2012
The fractal organization of ultradian rhythms in avian behavior
DA Guzmán, AG Flesia, MA Aon, S Pellegrini, RH Marin, JM Kembro
Scientific reports 7 (1), 684, 2017
Sub-pixel straight lines detection for measuring through machine vision
AG Flesia, G Ames, G Bergues, L Canali, C Schurrer
2014 IEEE international instrumentation and measurement technology …, 2014
Multi-scale fidelity measure for image fusion quality assessment
J Martinez, S Pistonesi, MC Maciel, AG Flesia
Information Fusion 50, 197-211, 2019
A new image segmentation framework based on two-dimensional hidden Markov models
J Baumgartner, AG Flesia, J Gimenez, J Pucheta
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 23 (1), 1-13, 2016
Assessment of long-range correlation in animal behavior time series: The temporal pattern of locomotor activity of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix) and mosquito larva (Culex …
JM Kembro, AG Flesia, RM Gleiser, MA Perillo, RH Marin
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (24), 6400-6413, 2013
A novel non-parametric method for uncertainty evaluation of correlation-based molecular signatures: its application on PAM50 algorithm
C Fresno, GA González, GA Merino, AG Flesia, OL Podhajcer, AS Llera, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (5), 693-700, 2017
Aggressive dominance can decrease behavioral complexity on subordinates through synchronization of locomotor activities
RS Alcala, JM Caliva, AG Flesia, RH Marin, JM Kembro
Communications biology 2 (1), 467, 2019
Generalized method for sampling spatially correlated heterogeneous speckled imagery
OH Bustos, AG Flesia, AC Frery
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2001, 1-11, 2001
Unsupervised edge map scoring: A statistical complexity approach
J Gimenez, J Martinez, AG Flesia
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 122, 131-142, 2014
Simulation of spatially correlated clutter fields
OH Bustos, AG Flesia, AC Frery, MM Lucini
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 38 (10), 2134-2151, 2009
Fisher vectors for PolSAR image classification
J Redolfi, J Sánchez, AG Flesia
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (11), 2057-2061, 2017
High resolution, week-long, locomotion time series from Japanese quail in a home-box environment
DA Guzmán, S Pellegrini, AG Flesia, MA Aon, RH Marin, JM Kembro
Scientific Data 3 (1), 1-7, 2016
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Articles 1–20