Peter Ljunglöf
Peter Ljunglöf
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University
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Cited by
Software illustrating a unified approach to multimodality and multilinguality in the in-home domain
S Ericsson, G Amores, B Bringert, H Burden, AC Forslund, D Hjelm, ...
Dec, 2006
D2. 2: Dynamic multimodal interface reconfiguration
D Milward, G Amores, N Blaylock, S Larsson, P Ljunglof, P Manchon, ...
Talk and Look: Tools for Ambient Linguistic Knowledge, 2006
Expressivity and complexity of the Grammatical Framework
P Ljunglöf
GoDiS-an accommodating dialogue system
S Larsson, P Ljunglöf, R Cooper, E Engdahl, S Ericsson
ANLP-NAACL 2000 Workshop: Conversational Systems, 2000
Information States and Dialogues Move Engines
P Bohlin, R Cooper, E Engdahl, S Larsson
Linköping University Electronic Press, 1999
Typed Logical Variables in Haskell.
K Claessen, P Ljunglöf
Haskell, 37, 2000
GODIS and questions under discussion
R Cooper, S Larsson, J Hieronymus, S Ericsson, E Engdahl, P Ljunglof
The TRINDI Book, 2000
Parsing linear context-free rewriting systems
H Burden, P Ljunglöf
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Parsing Technology, 11-17, 2005
Trindikit manual
S Larsson, P Bohlin, J Bos, D Traum
Tech. rept. Deliverable, 1999
Automatic monitoring of activities of daily living based on real-life acoustic sensor data: A preliminary study
L Vuegen, B Van Den Broeck, P Karsmakers, B Vanrumste
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for …, 2013
Fast statistical parsing with parallel multiple context-free grammars
K Angelov, P Ljunglöf
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2014
Multimodal dialogue system grammars
B Bringert, R Cooper, P Ljunglöf, A Ranta
Proceedings of DIALOR’05, ninth workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of …, 2005
Syntactic parsing
P Ljunglöf, M Wirén
Handbook of natural language processing, 59-91, 2010
Trindikit 2.0 manual
S Larsson, A Berman, J Bos, L Grönqvist, P Ljunglöf, D Traum
Deliverable D5 3, 40, 2000
Pure functional parsing
P Ljunglöf
An Advanced Tutorial. Licenciate thesis, Göteborg University & Chalmers …, 2002
Lekbot: A talking and playing robot for children with disabilities
P Ljunglöf, B Claesson, IM Müller, S Ericsson, C Ottesjö, A Berman, ...
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for …, 2011
A free and open-source tool that reads movie subtitles aloud
P Ljunglöf, S Derbring, M Olsson
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for …, 2012
trindikit. py: An open-source Python library for developing ISU-based dialogue systems
P Ljunglöf
Proc. of IWSDS 9, 2009
Editing syntax trees on the surface
P Ljunglöf
Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2011
TRIK: A talking and drawing robot for children with communication disabilities
P Ljunglöf, S Larsson, KH Mühlenbock, G Thunberg
Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2009
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Articles 1–20