Todd Arnold
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Cited by
Individual differences in the centrality of visual product aesthetics: Concept and measurement
PH Bloch, FF Brunel, TJ Arnold
Journal of consumer research 29 (4), 551-565, 2003
Work stressors, role-based performance, and the moderating influence of organizational support.
JC Wallace, BD Edwards, T Arnold, ML Frazier, DM Finch
Journal of applied psychology 94 (1), 254, 2009
Achieving relationship marketing effectiveness in business-to-business exchanges
RW Palmatier, LK Scheer, KR Evans, TJ Arnold
Journal of the Academy of marketing science 36, 174-190, 2008
The effects of customer acquisition and retention orientations on a firm’s radical and incremental innovation performance
TJ Arnold, E (Er) Fang, RW Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39, 234-251, 2011
A multi-level analysis of organizational justice climate, structure, and employee mental health
CS Spell, TJ Arnold
Journal of Management 33 (5), 724-751, 2007
The effects of polychronic-orientation upon retail employee satisfaction and turnover
A Arndt, TJ Arnold, TD Landry
Journal of Retailing 82 (4), 319-330, 2006
Role stressors and retail performance: The role of perceived competitive climate
T Arnold, KE Flaherty, KE Voss, JC Mowen
Journal of Retailing 85 (2), 194-205, 2009
The emergent field of organizational frontlines
J Singh, M Brady, T Arnold, T Brown
Journal of Service Research 20 (1), 3-11, 2017
Effects of positive customer-to-customer service interaction
JJ Yoo, TJ Arnold, GL Frankwick
Journal of Business Research 65 (9), 1313-1320, 2012
Frontline employee customer-oriented attitude in the presence of job demands and resources: The influence upon deep and surface acting
J Yoo, TJ Arnold
Journal of Service Research 19 (1), 102-117, 2016
Understanding retail managers’ role in the sales of products and services
TJ Arnold, RW Palmatier, D Grewal, A Sharma
Journal of retailing 85 (2), 129-144, 2009
An appraisal perspective of justice, structure, and job control as antecedents of psychological distress
CS Spell, T Arnold
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
The relationship between justice and benefits satisfaction
T Arnold, CS Spell
Journal of Business and Psychology 20, 599-620, 2006
Service climate as a moderator of the effects of customer-to-customer interactions on customer support and service quality
JH Jung, JJ Yoo, TJ Arnold
Journal of Service Research 20 (4), 426-440, 2017
Effects of collaborative communication on the development of market-relating capabilities and relational performance metrics in industrial markets
YC Chen, PC Li, TJ Arnold
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (8), 1181-1191, 2013
The influence of a retail store manager in developing frontline employee brand relationship, service performance and customer loyalty
JH Jung, JJ Yoo, TJ Arnold
Journal of Business Research 122, 362-372, 2021
Customer orientation, engagement, and developing positive emotional labor
JJ Yoo, TJ Arnold
The Service Industries Journal 34 (16), 1272-1288, 2014
Exploring the origins of enduring product involvement
PH Bloch, S Commuri, TJ Arnold
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 12 (1), 49-69, 2009
A compendium of sales-related literature in customer relationship management: processes and technologies with managerial implications
TD Landry, TJ Arnold, A Arndt
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (3), 231-251, 2005
Combining service and sales at the point of customer contact: a retail banking example
KR Evans, TJ Arnold, JA Grant
Journal of Service Research 2 (1), 34-49, 1999
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Articles 1–20