Marta Domingo
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Cited by
CINDOOR: An engineering tool for planning and design of wireless systems in enclosed spaces
RP Torres, L Valle, M Domingo, S Loredo, MC Diez
IEEE Antennas and Propagation magazine 41 (4), 11-22, 1999
Computation of the RCS of complex bodies modeled using NURBS surfaces
M Domingo, F Rivas, J Perez, RP Torres, MF Catedra
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 37 (6), 36-47, 1995
Comparison of different pso initialization techniques for high dimensional search space problems: A test with fss and antenna arrays
AL Gutiérrez, M Lanza, I Barriuso, L Valle, M Domingo, JR Perez, ...
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation …, 2011
Coverage optimization and power reduction in SFN using simulated annealing
M Lanza, ÁL Gutiérrez, JR Pérez, J Morgade, M Domingo, L Valle, ...
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 60 (3), 474-485, 2014
An accurate and efficient method based on ray-tracing for the prediction of local flat-fading statistics in picocell radio channels
RP Torres, S Loredo, L Valle, M Domingo
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 19 (2), 170-178, 2001
An efficient ray-tracing method for radiopropagation based on the modified BSP algorithm
RP Torres, L Valle, M Domingo, S Loredo
Gateway to 21st Century Communications Village. VTC 1999-Fall. IEEE VTS 50th …, 1999
Empirical characterization of the indoor radio channel for array antenna systems in the 3 to 4 GHz frequency band
JR Pérez, RP Torres, L Rubio, J Basterrechea, M Domingo, ...
IEEE Access 7, 94725-94736, 2019
Empirical analysis of the correlation of MIMO channels in indoor scenarios at 2 GHz
O Fernandez, M Domingo, RP Torres
IEE Proceedings-Communications 152 (1), 82-88, 2005
Design of Indoor WLANs: combination of a ray-tracing tool with the BPSO method
J Moreno, M Domingo, L Valle, JR Lopez, RP Torres, J Basterrechea
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 57 (6), 22-33, 2015
Calculation of the RCS from the interaction of edges and facets
M Domingo, RP Torres, MF Catedra
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 42 (6), 885-888, 1994
Analysis of massive MIMO performance in an indoor picocell with high number of users
JR Perez, RP Torres, M Domingo, L Valle, J Basterrechea
IEEE Access 8, 107025-107034, 2020
Experimental analysis of wireless data transmission systems in space platforms
O Fernandez, M Domingo, RP Torres
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 46 (4), 38-60, 2004
Optimization of single frequency networks for DVB-T services using SA and PSO
M Lanza, AL Gutierrez, I Barriuso, M Domingo, JR Perez, L Valle, ...
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation …, 2011
Characterization and Modeling of BFWA Channels in Outdoor--Indoor Environments
O Fernndez, R Jaramillo, M Domingo, L Valle, RP Torres
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 6, 236-239, 2007
Flexible rays
O Fernandez, L Valle, M Domingo, RP Torres
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 3 (1), 18-27, 2008
Measurements and predictions of the local mean power and small‐scale fading statistics in indoor wireless environments
S Loredo, RP Torres, L Valle, M Domingo, JR Pérez
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 24 (5), 329-331, 2000
Computer tool to analyze radio channel in arbitrary enclosed spaces using ray tracing
RP Torres, L Valle, M Domingo
VTC'98. 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Pathway to Global …, 1998
A MIMO-OFDM testbed, channel measurements, and system considerations for outdoor-indoor WiMAX
VPG Jiménez, MJFG García, AG Armada, RP Torres, JJG Fernández, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2010 (1), 871291, 2009
Empirical characterisation of the indoor multi‐user MIMO channel in the 3.5 GHz band
RP Torres, JR Pérez, J Basterrechea, M Domingo, L Valle, J González, ...
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 13 (13), 2386-2390, 2019
Multilayer FSS optimizer based on PSO and CG-FFT
AL Gutiérrez, M Lanza, I Barriuso, L Valle, M Domingo, JR Pérez, ...
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI …, 2011
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Articles 1–20