Greg Alpar
Greg Alpar
Education Innovator (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
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Cited by
The Identity Crisis-Security, Privacy and Usability Issues in Identity Management
G Alpár, JH Hoepman, J Siljee
Journal of Information System Security 9 (1), 23-53, 2013
Efficient selective disclosure on smart cards using idemix
P Vullers, G Alpár
Policies and Research in Identity Management: Third IFIP WG 11.6 Working …, 2013
Fast revocation of attribute-based credentials for both users and verifiers
W Lueks, G Alpár, JH Hoepman, P Vullers
Computers & Security 67, 308-323, 2017
New directions in IoT privacy using attribute-based authentication
G Alpár, L Batina, L Batten, V Moonsamy, A Krasnova, A Guellier, ...
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 461-466, 2016
Credential Design in Attribute-Based Identity Management
G Alpár, B Jacobs
Bridging distances in technology and regulation, 3rd TILTing Perspectives …, 2013
Using NFC Phones for Proving Credentials
G Alpár, L Batina, R Verdult
IRMA: practical, decentralized and privacy-friendly identity management using smartphones
G Alpár, F van den Broek, B Hampiholi, B Jacobs, W Lueks, S Ringers
10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2017), 2017
A secure channel for attribute-based credentials:[short paper]
G Alpár, JH Hoepman
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM workshop on Digital identity management, 13-18, 2013
Systematizing core properties of pairing-based attribute-based encryption to uncover remaining challenges in enforcing access control in practice
M Venema, G Alpár, JH Hoepman
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 1-56, 2022
The ABC of ABC: An analysis of attribute-based credentials in the light of data protection, privacy and identity.
PEI Korenhof, M Koning, G Alpár, JH Hoepman
Internet, Law and Politics: A decade of transformations, 357-374, 2014
ABE Squared: Accurately Benchmarking Efficiency of Attribute-Based Encryption
A de la Piedra, M Venema, G Alpár
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Towards Practical Attribute-Based Signatures
B Hampiholi, G Alpár, F van den Broek, B Jacobs
Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering, 310-328, 2015
A bunch of broken schemes: A simple yet powerful linear approach to analyzing security of attribute-based encryption
M Venema, G Alpár
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 100-125, 2021
Privacy-preserving webshopping with attributes
B Hampiholi, G Alpár
2017 IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC), 25-36, 2017
State machine inference of QUIC
A Rasool, G Alpár, J de Ruiter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04384, 2019
Designated attribute-based proofs for RFID applications
G Alpár, L Batina, W Lueks
Radio Frequency Identification. Security and Privacy Issues: 8th …, 2013
Attribute-based identity management:[bridging the cryptographic design of ABCs with the real world]
G Alpar
[Sl: sn], 2015
Towards Growth-Mindset Mathematics Teaching in the Netherlands
G Alpar, M van Hoeve
EPiC Series in Education Science 2, 1-17, 2019
Glue: Generalizing unbounded attribute-based encryption for flexible efficiency trade-offs
M Venema, G Alpár
IACR International Conference on Public-Key Cryptography, 652-682, 2023
TinyABE: Unrestricted ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption for embedded devices and low-quality networks
M Venema, G Alpár
Progress in Cryptology-AFRICACRYPT 2022: 13th International Conference on …, 2022
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Articles 1–20