Paolo Morettin
Paolo Morettin
Assistant professor (RTD-A), University of Trento
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Cited by
Efficient weighted model integration via SMT-based predicate abstraction
P Morettin, A Passerini, R Sebastiani
def 1 (x1), x2, 2017
Advanced SMT techniques for weighted model integration
P Morettin, A Passerini, R Sebastiani
Artificial Intelligence 275, 1-27, 2019
Efficient generation of structured objects with constrained adversarial networks
L Di Liello, P Ardino, J Gobbi, P Morettin, S Teso, A Passerini
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 14663-14674, 2020
The pywmi framework and toolbox for probabilistic inference using weighted model integration
S Kolb, P Morettin, P Zuidberg Dos Martires, F Sommavilla, A Passerini, ...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on …, 2019
TN-Grid and gene@ home project: Volunteer Computing for Bioinformatics
F Asnicar, N Sella, L Masera, P Morettin, T Tolio, S Semeniuta, C Moser, ...
Scaling up hybrid probabilistic inference with logical and arithmetic constraints via message passing
Z Zeng, P Morettin, F Yan, A Vergari, G Van den Broeck
International Conference on Machine Learning, 10990-11000, 2020
Learning weighted model integration distributions
P Morettin, S Kolb, S Teso, A Passerini
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 5224-5231, 2020
NES2RA: Network expansion by stratified variable subsetting and ranking aggregation
F Asnicar, L Masera, E Coller, C Gallo, N Sella, T Tolio, P Morettin, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 32 (3 …, 2018
Hybrid probabilistic inference with logical and algebraic constraints: a survey
P Morettin, P Zuidberg Dos Martires, S Kolb, A Passerini
IJCAI, 4533-4542, 2021
Probabilistic inference with algebraic constraints: Theoretical limits and practical approximations
Z Zeng, P Morettin, F Yan, A Vergari, G Van den Broeck
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 11564-11575, 2020
SMT-based weighted model integration with structure awareness
G Spallitta, G Masina, P Morettin, A Passerini, R Sebastiani
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1876-1885, 2022
Discovering candidates for gene network expansion by distributed volunteer computing
F Asnicar, L Erculiani, F Galante, C Gallo, L Masera, P Morettin, N Sella, ...
2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA 3, 248-253, 2015
Enhancing SMT-based Weighted Model Integration by structure awareness
G Spallitta, G Masina, P Morettin, A Passerini, R Sebastiani
Artificial Intelligence 328, 104067, 2024
Efficient generation of structured objects with Constrained Adversarial Networks
J Gobbi, L Di Liello, P Ardino, P Morettin, S Teso, A Passerini
Is Parameter Learning via Weighted Model Integration Tractable?
Z Zeng, P Morettin, F Yan, A Vergari, A Passerini, G Van den Broeck
4th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling, 2021
A neuro-symbolic benchmark suite for concept quality and reasoning shortcuts
S Bortolotti, E Marconato, T Carraro, P Morettin, E van Krieken, A Vergari, ...
The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems …, 2024
Semantic Loss Functions for Neuro-Symbolic Structured Prediction
K Ahmed, S Teso, P Morettin, L Di Liello, P Ardino, J Gobbi, Y Liang, ...
Compendium of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence, 485-505, 2023
Hybrid Probabilistic Inference with Logical Constraints: Tractability and Message Passing
Z Zeng, F Yan, P Morettin, A Vergari, GV Broeck
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09362, 2019
A Unified Framework for Probabilistic Verification of AI Systems via Weighted Model Integration
P Morettin, A Passerini, R Sebastiani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.04892, 2024
Top-Down Knowledge Compilation for Counting Modulo Theories
V Derkinderen, PZD Martires, S Kolb, P Morettin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.04541, 2023
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Articles 1–20