Francisco Javier García-Gómez
Francisco Javier García-Gómez
Research Assistant, Institute for Communications Engineering, Technical University of Munich
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Statistics of the nonlinear discrete spectrum of a noisy pulse
FJ García-Gómez, V Aref
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (14), 3563-3570, 2019
Mismatched Models to Lower Bound the Capacity of Dual-Polarization Optical Fiber Channels
FJ García-Gómez, G Kramer
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (11), 3390-3399, 2021
Channel Estimation and Data Equalization in Frequency-Selective MIMO Systems with One-Bit Quantization
J García, J Munir, K Roth, JA Nossek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.04536, 2016
Mismatched Models to Lower Bound the Capacity of Optical Fiber Channels
FJ García-Gómez, G Kramer
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (24), 6779-6787, 2020
Communication Using Eigenvalues of Higher Multiplicity of the Nonlinear Fourier Transform
FJ García-Gómez
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (23), 5442-5450, 2018
Wiener Filter for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Links
D Plabst, FJG Gómez, T Wiegart, N Hanik
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (11), 2546-2550, 2020
First Transmission of a 12D Format Across Three Coupled Spatial Modes of a 3-Core Coupled-Core Fiber at 4 bits/s/Hz
RJ Essiambre, R Ryf, S van der Heide, JI Bonetti, H Huang, M Kodialam, ...
2020 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2020
Statistics of the eigenvalues of a noisy multi-soliton pulse
J García, V Aref
2018 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2018
Channel capacity comparison of different system concepts for mmWave
K Roth, J Garcia, J Munir, M Faerber, JA Nossek
WSA 2016; 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 1-7, 2016
Regular Perturbation and Achievable Rates of Space-Division Multiplexed Optical Channels
FJ García-Gómez, G Kramer
2021 17th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 1-5, 2021
Rate and Power Scaling of Space-Division Multiplexing Via Nonlinear Perturbation
FJ García-Gómez, G Kramer
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40 (15), 5077-5082, 2022
Numerically Computing Achievable Rates of Memoryless Channels
FJ García-Gómez
Technical University of Munich Library, 2020
Compensation of Amplifier Distortion for OFDM signals based on Iterative Hard Thresholding
W Amjad, J García, J Munir, A Mezghani, JA Nossek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.00313, 2015
Energy Conservation in Optical Fibers With Distributed Brick-Walls Filters
J García, H Ghozlan, G Kramer
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (9), 1626-1633, 2018
A hybrid approach for multi-user massive MIMO sparse channel estimation based on Bayesian recovery and hard thresholding
J Garcia, J Munir, A Mezghani, JA Nossek
2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2015
First Transmission of a 12D Format Across 3 Coupled Spatial Modes of a 3-Core Coupled-Core Fiber at a Spectral Efficiency of 4 bits/s/Hz
RJ Essiambre, R Ryf, S van der Heide, JI Bonetti, H Huang, M Kodialam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11220, 2019
Information Rates and Noise Statistics of Optical Fiber Channels via Nonlinear Perturbation
FJ Garcia Gomez
Technische Universität München, 2021
Clustering algorithm for detection in the discrete nonlinear Fourier spectrum
B Leible, FJ García-Gómez, N Hanik
IET Digital Library, 2019
Energy Coupling in Optical WDM Systems with Frequency-Dependent Attenuation Profile
FJ García-Gómez, G Kramer
Joint Workshop on Communications and Coding (JWCC), 2017
Energy Conservation and Decoupling in Optical Fibers with Brick-Walls Attenuation Profile.
J Garcia, H Ghozlan, G Kramer
ArXiv e-prints arXiv:1707.05018, 7, 2017
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Articles 1–20