Veniamin Morgenshtern
Veniamin Morgenshtern
Citadel Enterprises America's LLC
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Super-Resolution of Positive Sources: the Discrete Setup
VI Morgenshtern, EJ Candes
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9 (1), 412–444, 2016
Crystallization in large wireless networks
VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 53 (10), 3319--3349, 2007
Super-resolution radar
R Heckel, VI Morgenshtern, M Soltanolkotabi
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 5 (1), 22--75, 2016
Distributed orthogonalization in large interference relay networks
VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei, RU Nabar
IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), 1211--1215, 2005
On the Sensitivity of Continuous-Time Noncoherent Fading Channel Capacity
G Durisi, VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 58 (10), 6372--6391, 2012
Random matrix analysis of large relay networks
VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, and Comput., 106--112, 2006
Information theory of underspread WSSUS channels
G Durisi, VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei, UG Schuster, S Shamai (Shitz)
Wireless Communications over Rapidly Time-Varying Channels, 65--116, 2011
Super-resolution of positive sources on an arbitrarily fine grid
VI Morgenshtern
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 28 (1), 4, 2022
Capacity Pre-Log of Noncoherent SIMO Channels via Hironaka's Theorem
VI Morgenshtern, E Riegler, W Yang, G Durisi, S Lin, B Sturmfels, ...
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 59 (7), 4213--4229, 2012
A self-trained model for cloud, shadow and snow detection in Sentinel-2 images of snow-and ice-covered regions
KG Nambiar, VI Morgenshtern, P Hochreuther, T Seehaus, MH Braun
Remote Sensing 14 (8), 1825, 2022
A short course on frame theory
VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
Mathematical foundations for signal processing, communications, and …, 2017
Novel techniques for void filling in glacier elevation change data sets
T Seehaus, VI Morgenshtern, F Hübner, E Bänsch, MH Braun
Remote Sensing 12 (23), 3917, 2020
Noncoherent SIMO pre-log via resolution of singularities
E Riegler, VI Morgenshtern, G Durisi, S Lin, B Sturmfels, H Bölcskei
IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), 2020--2024, 2011
The SIMO pre-log can be larger than the SISO pre-log
VI Morgenshtern, G Durisi, H Bölcskei
IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), 320--324, 2010
Scattering Transform Based Image Clustering using Projection onto Orthogonal Complement
A Villar-Corrales, VI Morgenshtern
Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and …, 2021
On the value of cooperation in interference relay networks
V Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, and Comput., 1939--1949, 2005
A lower bound on the noncoherent capacity pre-log for the MIMO channel with temporally correlated fading
G Koliander, E Riegler, G Durisi, VI Morgenshtern, F Hlawatsch
Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, and Comput., 1198--1205, 2012
Capacity pre-log of SIMO correlated block-fading channels
W Yang, G Durisi, VI Morgenshtern, E Riegler
Int. Symp. on Wireless Commun. Syst. (ISWCS), 869--873, 2011
On the sensitivity of noncoherent capacity to the channel model
G Durisi, VI Morgenshtern, H Bölcskei
IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), 2174--2178, 2009
Fricative Phoneme Detection Using Deep Neural Networks and its Comparison to Traditional Methods
M Yurt, P Kantharaju, S Disch, A Niedermeier, AN Escalante-B, ...
Proc. Interspeech 2021, 51-55, 2021
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Articles 1–20