Marc Willinger
Marc Willinger
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A comparison of trust and reciprocity between France and Germany: Experimental investigation based on the investment game
M Willinger, C Keser, C Lohmann, JC Usunier
Journal of economic psychology 24 (4), 447-466, 2003
Trusting behavior in a repeated investment game
F Cochard, PN Van, M Willinger
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 55 (1), 31-44, 2004
Willingness-to-pay for food safety: An experimental investigation of quality certification on bidding behaviour
A Rozan, A Stenger, M Willinger
European Review of Agricultural Economics 31 (4), 409-425, 2004
Framing and cooperation in public good games: an experiment with an interior solution
M Willinger, A Ziegelmeyer
Economics letters 65 (3), 323-328, 1999
Efficiency of nonpoint source pollution instruments: an experimental study
F Cochard, M Willinger, A Xepapadeas
Environmental and Resource Economics 30, 393-422, 2005
Principals’ principles when agents’ actions are hidden
C Keser, M Willinger
international Journal of industrial Organization 18 (1), 163-185, 2000
L’économie expérimentale
N Eber, M Willinger
La Découverte, 2012
Theories of behavior in principal–agent relationships with hidden action
C Keser, M Willinger
European Economic Review 51 (6), 1514-1533, 2007
Preservation value for groundwater quality in a large aquifer: a contingent-valuation study of the Alsatian aquifer
A Stenger, M Willinger
Journal of Environmental Management 53 (2), 177-193, 1998
La méthode d’évaluation contingente: de l’observation à la construction des valeurs de préservation
M Willinger
Natures sciences sociétés 4 (1), 6-22, 1996
Are people risk vulnerable?
M Beaud, M Willinger
Management Science 61 (3), 624-636, 2015
Towards the economics of information-intensive production systems: the case of advanced materials
M Willinger, E Zuscovitch
G. Dosi, C. Freeman, R. Nelson, G. Silverberg y L. Soete (eds.), Technical …, 1988
Does the exposure to natural hazards affect risk and time preferences? Some insights from a field experiment in Perú
MA Bchir, M Willinger
Unpublished manuscript 4, 2013
Risk aversion and the value of information
M Willinger
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 104-112, 1989
Guessing with negative feedback: An experiment
A Sutan, M Willinger
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33 (5), 1123-1133, 2009
Strength of the social dilemma in a public goods experiment: an exploration of the error hypothesis
M Willinger, A Ziegelmeyer
Experimental Economics 4, 131-144, 2001
Global environmental commons: Analytical and political challenges in building governance mechanisms
E Brousseau, T Dedeurwaerdere, PA Jouvet, M Willinger
Oxford University Press, 2012
Efficience, irréversibilités et constitution des technologies
M Willinger, E Zuscovitch
Revue d'économie industrielle 65 (1), 7-22, 1993
Optimization incentive and relative riskiness in experimental stag-hunt games
D Dubois, M Willinger, P Van Nguyen
International Journal of Game Theory 41, 369-380, 2012
Are more informed agents able to shatter information cascades in the lab?
M Willinger, A Ziegelmeyer
The economics of networks: Interaction and behaviours, 291-305, 1998
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Articles 1–20