C P Lećo
C P Lećo
School of Engineering, University of Minho
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Cited by
Industry 4.0 triggered by Lean Thinking: insights from a systematic literature review
VL Bittencourt, AC Alves, CP Lećo
International Journal of Production Research 59 (5), 1496-1510, 2021
Lean Thinking contributions for Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review
VL Bittencourt, AC Alves, CP Lećo
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 904-909, 2019
Metodologias para implementar Lean Production: Uma revisćo crķtica de literatura
LC Maia, AC Alves, CP Lećo
Ediēões INEGI, 2011
Sustainable work environment with lean production in textile and clothing industry
LC Maia, AC Alves, CP Lećo
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 4 (3), 183, 2013
Waste identification diagram and value stream mapping: A comparative analysis
J Dinis-Carvalho, L Guimaraes, RM Sousa, CP Leao
International journal of lean six sigma 10 (3), 767-783, 2019
Design of a lean methodology for an ergonomic and sustainable work environment in textile and garment industry
LC Maia, AC Alves, CP Lećo
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 45196 …, 2012
Testing thermal comfort of trekking boots: An objective and subjective evaluation
PM Arezes, MM Neves, SF Teixeira, CP Lećo, JL Cunha
Applied Ergonomics 44 (4), 557-565, 2013
A symbiotic relationship between Lean Production and Ergonomics: insights from Industrial Engineering final year projects
AC Alves, A Ferreira, LC Maia, CP Lećo, P Carneiro
University of Novi SAD, 2019
Transient and steady-state models for simulated moving bed processes: numerical solutions
CP Lećo, AE Rodrigues
Computers & Chemical Engineering 28 (9), 1725-1741, 2004
How could the TRIZ tool help continuous improvement efforts of the companies?
LC Maia, AC Alves, CP Lećo
Procedia engineering 131, 343-351, 2015
Automation and control remote laboratory: a pedagogical tool
F Soares, CP Lećo, V Carvalho, RM Vasconcelos, S Costa
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 51 (1), 54-67, 2014
An economic perspective on the optimisation of a small-scale cogeneration system for the Portuguese scenario
ACM Ferreira, ML Nunes, SFCF Teixeira, CP Lećo, ĀM Silva, ...
Energy 45 (1), 436-444, 2012
Defining risk acceptance criteria in occupational settings: A case study in the furniture industrial sector
MA Rodrigues, PM Arezes, CP Lećo
Safety science 80, 288-295, 2015
A comparison of manual anthropometric measurements with Kinect-based scanned measurements in terms of precision and reliability
S Braganēa, P Arezes, M Carvalho, SP Ashdown, I Castellucci, C Lećo
Work 59 (3), 325-339, 2018
An overview of industrial communication networks
M Silva, F Pereira, F Soares, CP Lećo, J Machado, V Carvalho
New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science: From Fundamentals to Industrial …, 2015
Project-based learning and its effects on freshmen social skills in an engineering program
AC Alves, CP Lećo, F Moreira, S Teixeira
Human capital and competences in project management 10, 2018
Contributions of lean thinking principles to foster Industry 4.0 and sustainable development goals
V Bittencourt, F Saldanha, AC Alves, CP Lećo
Lean engineering for global development, 129-159, 2019
Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems
J Machado, E Seabra, JC Campos, F Soares, CP Lećo
Computers & Industrial Engineering 60 (4), 635-653, 2011
What do organizational leaders need from lean graduate programming
S Flumerfelt, AC Alves, CP Lećo, DL Wade
European Journal of Training and Development 40 (5), 302-320, 2016
Drivers for OSH interventions in small and medium-sized enterprises
E Cagno, D Masi, CP Lećo
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 22 (1), 102-115, 2016
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Articles 1–20