Martin Fischlechner
Martin Fischlechner
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Microdroplets in microfluidics: an evolving platform for discoveries in chemistry and biology
AB Theberge, F Courtois, Y Schaerli, M Fischlechner, C Abell, F Hollfelder, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 (34), 5846-5868, 2010
Ultrahigh-throughput–directed enzyme evolution by absorbance-activated droplet sorting (AADS)
F Gielen, R Hours, S Emond, M Fischlechner, U Schell, F Hollfelder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (47), E7383-E7389, 2016
Picoliter cell lysate assays in microfluidic droplet compartments for directed enzyme evolution
B Kintses, C Hein, MF Mohamed, M Fischlechner, F Courtois, C Lainé, ...
Chemistry & biology 19 (8), 1001-1009, 2012
One in a million: flow cytometric sorting of single cell-lysate assays in monodisperse picolitre double emulsion droplets for directed evolution
A Zinchenko, SRA Devenish, B Kintses, PY Colin, M Fischlechner, ...
Analytical chemistry 86 (5), 2526-2533, 2014
Hydrophilic PDMS microchannels for high-throughput formation of oil-in-water microdroplets and water-in-oil-in-water double emulsions
WAC Bauer, M Fischlechner, C Abell, WTS Huck
Lab on a Chip 10 (14), 1814-1819, 2010
Availability of public goods shapes the evolution of competing metabolic strategies
H Bachmann, M Fischlechner, I Rabbers, N Barfa, F Branco dos Santos, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), 14302-14307, 2013
Evolution of enzyme catalysts caged in biomimetic gel-shell beads
M Fischlechner, Y Schaerli, MF Mohamed, S Patil, C Abell, F Hollfelder
Nature chemistry 6 (9), 791-796, 2014
Viruses as building blocks for materials and devices
M Fischlechner, E Donath
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (18), 3184-3193, 2007
A fully unsupervised compartment-on-demand platform for precise nanoliter assays of time-dependent steady-state enzyme kinetics and inhibition
F Gielen, L van Vliet, BT Koprowski, SRA Devenish, M Fischlechner, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (9), 4761-4769, 2013
Engineering virus functionalities on colloidal polyelectrolyte lipid composites
M Fischlechner, O Zschörnig, J Hofmann, E Donath
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44 (19), 2892-2895, 2005
Lipid layers on polyelectrolyte multilayer supports
M Fischlechner, M Zaulig, S Meyer, I Estrela-Lopis, L Cuéllar, J Irigoyen, ...
Soft Matter 4 (11), 2245-2258, 2008
Monodisperse Water-in-Oil-in-Water (W/O/W) Double Emulsion Droplets as Uniform Compartments for High-Throughput Analysis via Flow Cytometry
J Yan, WAC Bauer, M Fischlechner, F Hollfelder, CF Kaminski, WTS Huck
Micromachines 4 (4), 402-413, 2013
Virus‐Engineered Colloidal Particles—A Surface Display System
M Fischlechner, L Toellner, P Messner, R Grabherr, E Donath
Angewandte Chemie 118 (5), 798-803, 2006
Virus-coated layer-by-layer colloids as a multiplex suspension array for the detection and quantification of virus-specific antibodies
L Toellner, M Fischlechner, B Ferko, RM Grabherr, E Donath
Clinical chemistry 52 (8), 1575-1583, 2006
Microdroplet screening and selection for improved microbial production of extracellular compounds
RJ van Tatenhove-Pel, JA Hernandez-Valdes, B Teusink, OP Kuipers, ...
Current opinion in biotechnology 61, 72-81, 2020
Microdroplet fabrication of silver–agarose nanocomposite beads for SERS optical accumulation
S Abalde-Cela, B Auguié, M Fischlechner, WTS Huck, RA Alvarez-Puebla, ...
Soft Matter 7 (4), 1321-1325, 2011
On-chip cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy using a white light-emitting diode and polymer mirrors
CM Rushworth, G Jones, M Fischlechner, E Walton, H Morgan
Lab on a Chip 15 (3), 711-717, 2015
Fusion of enveloped virus nanoparticles with polyelectrolyte-supported lipid membranes for the design of bio/nonbio interfaces
M Fischlechner, U Reibetanz, M Zaulig, D Enderlein, J Romanova, ...
Nano letters 7 (11), 3540-3546, 2007
Mikrotröpfchen in Mikrofluidiksystemen: eine Technik für Entdeckungen in der Chemie und Biologie
AB Theberge, F Courtois, Y Schaerli, M Fischlechner, C Abell, F Hollfelder, ...
Angewandte Chemie 122 (34), 5982-6005, 2010
Myeloperoxidase binds to non-vital spermatozoa on phosphatidylserine epitopes
J Leßig, H Spalteholz, U Reibetanz, P Salavei, M Fischlechner, ...
Apoptosis 12, 1803-1812, 2007
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Articles 1–20