Andrea F. Abate
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Cited by
2D and 3D face recognition: A survey
AF Abate, M Nappi, D Riccio, G Sabatino
Pattern recognition letters 28 (14), 1885-1906, 2007
A haptic-based approach to virtual training for aerospace industry
AF Abate, M Guida, P Leoncini, M Nappi, S Ricciardi
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 20 (5), 318-325, 2009
Ear recognition by means of a rotation invariant descriptor
AF Abate, M Nappi, D Riccio, S Ricciardi
18th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR'06) 4, 437-440, 2006
I-Am: implicitly authenticate me—person authentication on mobile devices through ear shape and arm gesture
AF Abate, M Nappi, S Ricciardi
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (3), 469-481, 2017
Near real-time three axis head pose estimation without training
AF Abate, P Barra, C Bisogni, M Nappi, S Ricciardi
IEEE Access 7, 64256-64265, 2019
Workflow performance evaluation through wpql
AF Abate, A Esposito, N Grieco, G Nota
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and …, 2002
BIRD: Watershed based iris detection for mobile devices
AF Abate, M Frucci, C Galdi, D Riccio
Pattern Recognition Letters 57, 43-51, 2015
FACES: 3D FAcial reConstruction from anciEnt Skulls using content based image retrieval
AF Abate, M Nappi, S Ricciardi, G Tortora
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 15 (5), 373-389, 2004
Head pose estimation: An extensive survey on recent techniques and applications
AF Abate, C Bisogni, A Castiglione, M Nappi
Pattern Recognition 127, 108591, 2022
An interactive virtual guide for the AR based visit of archaeological sites
AF Abate, G Acampora, S Ricciardi
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 22 (6), 415-425, 2011
Clustering facial attributes: Narrowing the path from soft to hard biometrics
AF Abate, P Barra, S Barra, C Molinari, M Nappi, F Narducci
IEEE Access 8, 9037-9045, 2019
IME: an image management environment with content-based access
AF Abate, M Nappi, G Tortora, M Tucci
Image and Vision Computing 17 (13), 967-980, 1999
Attention monitoring for synchronous distance learning
AF Abate, L Cascone, M Nappi, F Narducci, I Passero
Future Generation Computer Systems 125, 774-784, 2021
Head pose estimation by regression algorithm
AF Abate, P Barra, C Pero, M Tucci
Pattern Recognition Letters 140, 179-185, 2020
On the impact of multimodal and multisensor biometrics in smart factories
AF Abate, L Cimmino, I Cuomo, M Di Nardo, T Murino
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (12), 9092-9100, 2022
A pervasive visual–haptic framework for virtual delivery training
AF Abate, G Acampora, V Loia, S Ricciardi, AV Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 14 (2), 326-334, 2010
Fast 3D face recognition based on normal map
AF Abate, M Nappi, S Ricciardi, G Sabatino
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 2, II-946, 2005
Real-time gait biometrics for surveillance applications: A review
A Parashar, A Parashar, AF Abate, RS Shekhawat, I Rida
Image and Vision Computing, 104784, 2023
The limitations for expression recognition in computer vision introduced by facial masks
AF Abate, L Cimmino, BC Mocanu, F Narducci, F Pop
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (8), 11305-11319, 2023
Adaptive trapezoid region intercept histogram based Otsu method for brain MR image segmentation
L Xiao, C Fan, H Ouyang, AF Abate, S Wan
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 13 (4), 2161-2176, 2022
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Articles 1–20