William S. Kessler
William S. Kessler
NOAA / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
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The circulation of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review
WS Kessler
Progress in Oceanography 69 (2-4), 181-217, 2006
Pacific western boundary currents and their roles in climate
D Hu, L Wu, W Cai, AS Gupta, A Ganachaud, B Qiu, AL Gordon, X Lin, ...
Nature 522 (7556), 299-308, 2015
Forcing of intraseasonal Kelvin waves in the equatorial Pacific
WS Kessler, MJ McPhaden, KM Weickmann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C6), 10613-10631, 1995
Observations of long Rossby waves in the northern tropical Pacific
WS Kessler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 95 (C4), 5183-5217, 1990
Rectification of the Madden–Julian oscillation into the ENSO cycle
WS Kessler, R Kleeman
Journal of Climate 13 (20), 3560-3575, 2000
Direct measurements of upper ocean currents and water properties across the tropical Pacific during the 1990s
GC Johnson, BM Sloyan, WS Kessler, KE McTaggart
Progress in Oceanography 52 (1), 31-61, 2002
Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events?
WS Kessler
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (23), 40-1-40-4, 2002
EOF representations of the Madden–Julian oscillation and its connection with ENSO
WS Kessler
Journal of Climate 14 (13), 3055-3061, 2001
Climate fluctuations of tropical coupled systems—the role of ocean dynamics
P Chang, T Yamagata, P Schopf, SK Behera, J Carton, WS Kessler, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (20), 5122-5174, 2006
Oceanic equatorial waves and the 1991–93 El Nino
WS Kessler, MJ McPhaden
Journal of Climate, 1757-1774, 1995
Dynamic heights and zonal geostrophic transports in the central tropical Pacific during 1979–84
WS Kessler, BA Taft
Journal of Physical Oceanography 17 (1), 97-122, 1987
Air–sea interaction over the eastern Pacific warm pool: Gap winds, thermocline dome, and atmospheric convection
SP Xie, H Xu, WS Kessler, M Nonaka
Journal of Climate 18 (1), 5-20, 2005
The 1991–1993 El Niņo in the central Pacific
WS Kessler, MJ McPhaden
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 42 (2-3), 295-333, 1995
The annual wind-driven Rossby wave in the subthermocline equatorial Pacific
WS Kessler, JP McCreary
Journal of Physical Oceanography 23 (6), 1192-1207, 1993
The S outhwest P acific O cean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE)
A Ganachaud, S Cravatte, A Melet, A Schiller, NJ Holbrook, BM Sloyan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (11), 7660-7686, 2014
The annual cycle of SST in the eastern tropical Pacific, diagnosed in an ocean GCM
WS Kessler, LM Rothstein, D Chen
Journal of Climate 11 (5), 777-799, 1998
Observed correlation of surface salinity, temperature and barrier layer at the eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool
C Maes, K Ando, T Delcroix, WS Kessler, MJ McPhaden, D Roemmich
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (6), 2006
Mean three-dimensional circulation in the northeast tropical Pacific
WS Kessler
Journal of Physical Oceanography 32 (9), 2457-2471, 2002
Distinct 17-and 33-day tropical instability waves in subsurface observations
JM Lyman, GC Johnson, WS Kessler
Journal of physical oceanography 37 (4), 855-872, 2007
Near-surface shear flow in the tropical Pacific cold tongue front
MF Cronin, WS Kessler
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (5), 1200-1215, 2009
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