Johanna Dunaway
Johanna Dunaway
Syracuse University Institute for Democracy, Journalism, & Citizenship
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Mass media and American politics
J Dunaway, DA Graber
Cq Press, 2022
Agenda Setting, Public Opinion, and the Issue of Immigration Reform*
J Dunaway, RP Branton, MA Abrajano
Social Science Quarterly 91 (2), 359-378, 2010
Newspaper closures polarize voting behavior
JP Darr, MP Hitt, JL Dunaway
Journal of Communication 68 (6), 1007-1028, 2018
Markets, ownership, and the quality of campaign news coverage
J Dunaway
The Journal of Politics 70 (4), 1193-1202, 2008
Spatial proximity to the US—Mexico border and newspaper coverage of immigration issues
RP Branton, J Dunaway
Political Research Quarterly 62 (2), 289-302, 2009
Party polarization, media choice, and mass partisan-ideological sorting
NT Davis, JL Dunaway
Public Opinion Quarterly 80 (S1), 272-297, 2016
News attention in a mobile era
J Dunaway, K Searles, M Sui, N Paul
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 23 (2), 107-124, 2018
English-and Spanish-language media coverage of immigration: A comparative analysis
R Branton, J Dunaway
Social Science Quarterly, 1006-1022, 2008
What predicts the game frame? Media ownership, electoral context, and campaign news
J Dunaway, RG Lawrence
Political Communication 32 (1), 43-60, 2015
Media ownership and story tone in campaign news
J Dunaway
American Politics Research 41 (1), 24-53, 2013
Slanted newspaper coverage of immigration: The importance of economics and geography
RP Branton, J Dunaway
Policy Studies Journal 37 (2), 257-273, 2009
Traits versus issues: How female candidates shape coverage of senate and gubernatorial races
J Dunaway, RG Lawrence, M Rose, CR Weber
Political Research Quarterly 66 (3), 715-726, 2013
It’s all in the name: Source cue ambiguity and the persuasive appeal of campaign ads
C Weber, J Dunaway, T Johnson
Political Behavior 34, 561-584, 2012
Anglo Voting on Nativist Ballot Initiatives: The Partisan Impact of Spatial Proximity to the U.S.‐Mexico Border*
R Branton, G Dillingham, J Dunaway, B Miller
Social Science Quarterly 88 (3), 882-897, 2007
Smartphone-size screens constrain cognitive access to video news stories
J Dunaway, S Soroka
Information, Communication & Society 24 (1), 69-84, 2021
Rebuilding or Intruding? Media Coverage and Public Opinion on L atino Immigration in Post‐K atrina L ouisiana
J Dunaway, RK Goidel, A Kirzinger, BC Wilkinson
Social Science Quarterly 92 (4), 917-937, 2011
As seen on TV? How gatekeeping makes the US House seem more extreme
J Padgett, JL Dunaway, JP Darr
Journal of Communication 69 (6), 696-719, 2019
Home Style Opinion: How Local Newspapers Can Slow Polarization
JP Darr, MP Hitt, JL Dunaway
Institutional effects on the information quality of campaign news
J Dunaway
Journalism Studies 12 (1), 27-44, 2011
The role of minority journalists, candidates, and audiences in shaping race-related campaign news coverage
M Sui, N Paul, P Shah, B Spurlock, B Chastant, J Dunaway
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (4), 1079-1102, 2018
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Articles 1–20