Stefania Vicari
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Cited by
Quantitative narrative analysis software options compared: PC-ACE and CAQDAS (ATLAS. ti, MAXqda, and NVivo)
R Franzosi, S Doyle, LE McClelland, CP Rankin, S Vicari
Quality & Quantity 47 (6), 3219-3247, 2013
Ways of measuring agency: an application of quantitative narrative analysis to lynchings in Georgia (1875–1930)
R Franzosi, G De Fazio, S Vicari
Sociological Methodology 42 (1), 1-42, 2012
Measuring collective action frames: A linguistic approach to frame analysis
S Vicari
Poetics 38 (5), 504-525, 2010
Health activism and the logic of connective action. A case study of rare disease patient organisations
S Vicari, F Cappai
Information, Communication & Society 19 (11), 1653-1671, 2016
Public reasoning around social contention: A case study of Twitter use in the Italian mobilization for global change
S Vicari
Current Sociology 61 (4), 474-490, 2013
Networks of contention: The shape of online transnationalism in early twenty-first century social movement coalitions
S Vicari
Social Networks and Social Movements, 92-109, 2016
Twitter and non-elites: Interpreting power dynamics in the life story of the (#) BRCA Twitter stream
S Vicari
Social Media+ Society 3 (3), 2056305117733224, 2017
Memetising the pandemic: Memes, COVID-19 mundanity and political cultures
MF Murru, S Vicari
The Playful Politics of Memes, 56-75, 2023
<? covid19?> One Platform, a Thousand Worlds: On Twitter Irony in the Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
S Vicari, MF Murru
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120948254, 2020
Le reti della comunicazione politica. Tra televisioni e social network
E Cioni, A Marinelli
Firenze University Press, 2010
Digital platforms as socio-cultural artifacts: developing digital methods for cultural research
S Vicari, D Kirby
Information, Communication & Society 26 (9), 1733-1755, 2023
Exploring the Cuban blogosphere: Discourse networks and informal politics
S Vicari
New Media & Society 17 (9), 1492-1512, 2015
What's in a text?: Answers from frame analysis and rhetoric for measuring meaning systems and argumentative structures
R Franzosi, S Vicari
Rhetorica 36 (4), 393-429, 2018
Political hashtag publics and counter-visuality: a case study of# fertilityday in Italy
S Vicari, L Iannelli, E Zurovac
Information, Communication & Society 23 (9), 1235-1254, 2020
Blogging politics in Cuba: The framing of political discourse in the Cuban blogosphere
S Vicari
Media, Culture & Society 36 (7), 998-1015, 2014
Digital media and participatory cultures of health and illness
S Vicari
Routledge, 2021
Is it all about storytelling? Living and learning hereditary cancer on Twitter
S Vicari
new media & society 23 (8), 2385-2408, 2021
The interpretative dimension of transformative events: Outrage management and collective action framing after the 2001 anti-G8 Summit in Genoa
S Vicari
Social Movement Studies 14 (5), 596-614, 2015
The pandemic across platform societies: Weibo and Twitter at the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in China and the West
Z Yang, S Vicari
Howard Journal of Communications 32 (5), 493-506, 2021
Organizational hashtags during times of crisis: Analyzing the broadcasting and gatekeeping dynamics of# PorteOuverte during the November 2015 Paris terror attacks
P Reilly, S Vicari
Social Media+ Society 7 (1), 2056305121995788, 2021
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Articles 1–20