Detailed physics, predictive capabilities and macroscopic consequences for pore-network models of multiphase flow MJ Blunt, MD Jackson, M Piri, PH Valvatne Advances in Water Resources 25 (8-12), 1069-1089, 2002 | 943 | 2002 |
Zeta potential of artificial and natural calcite in aqueous solution D Al Mahrouqi, J Vinogradov, MD Jackson Advances in colloid and interface science 240, 60-76, 2017 | 384 | 2017 |
Chemical differentiation, cold storage and remobilization of magma in the Earth’s crust MD Jackson, J Blundy, RSJ Sparks Nature 564 (7736), 405-409, 2018 | 309 | 2018 |
Zeta potential in oil-water-carbonate systems and its impact on oil recovery during controlled salinity water-flooding MD Jackson, D Al-Mahrouqi, J Vinogradov Scientific reports 6 (1), 37363, 2016 | 307 | 2016 |
Formation and dynamics of magma reservoirs RSJ Sparks, C Annen, JD Blundy, KV Cashman, AC Rust, MD Jackson Philosophical Transactions of the Royal society A 377 (2139), 20180019, 2019 | 292 | 2019 |
Melt segregation in deep crustal hot zones: a mechanism for chemical differentiation, crustal assimilation and the formation of evolved magmas JMS Solano, MD Jackson, RSJ Sparks, JD Blundy, C Annen Journal of Petrology 53 (10), 1999-2026, 2012 | 214 | 2012 |
Zeta potential of intact natural limestone: Impact of potential-determining ions Ca, Mg and SO4 A Alroudhan, J Vinogradov, MD Jackson Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 493, 83-98, 2016 | 207 | 2016 |
Evidence, mechanisms and improved understanding of controlled salinity waterflooding part 1: Sandstones MD Jackson, J Vinogradov, G Hamon, M Chamerois Fuel 185, 772-793, 2016 | 205 | 2016 |
Architecture and dynamics of magma reservoirs M Edmonds, KV Cashman, M Holness, M Jackson Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2139), 20180298, 2019 | 195 | 2019 |
Magma plumbing systems: a geophysical perspective C Magee, CTE Stevenson, SK Ebmeier, D Keir, JOS Hammond, ... Journal of Petrology 59 (6), 1217-1251, 2018 | 187 | 2018 |
Measurement of streaming potential coupling coefficient in sandstones saturated with natural and artificial brines at high salinity J Vinogradov, MZ Jaafar, MD Jackson Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B12), 2010 | 183 | 2010 |
Measurement of streaming potential coupling coefficient in sandstones saturated with high salinity NaCl brine MZ Jaafar, J Vinogradov, MD Jackson Geophysical Research Letters 36 (21), 2009 | 162 | 2009 |
Reservoir modeling for flow simulation by use of surfaces, adaptive unstructured meshes, and an overlapping-control-volume finite-element method MDD Jackson, JRR Percival, P Mostaghimi, BSS Tollit, D Pavlidis, ... SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 18 (02), 115-132, 2015 | 150* | 2015 |
Three-dimensional modeling of a shoreface-shelf parasequence reservoir analog: Part 1. Surface-based modeling to capture high-resolution facies architecture RP Sech, MD Jackson, GJ Hampson AAPG bulletin 93 (9), 1155-1181, 2009 | 141 | 2009 |
Why aqueous alteration in asteroids was isochemical: High porosity≠ high permeability PA Bland, MD Jackson, RF Coker, BA Cohen, JBW Webber, MR Lee, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (3-4), 559-568, 2009 | 140 | 2009 |
Three-dimensional reservoir characterization and flow simulation of heterolithic tidal sandstones MD Jackson, S Yoshida, AH Muggeridge, HD Johnson AAPG bulletin 89 (4), 507-528, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Multiphase electrokinetic coupling: Insights into the impact of fluid and charge distribution at the pore scale from a bundle of capillary tubes model MD Jackson Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B7), 2010 | 133 | 2010 |
Quantitative modeling of granitic melt generation and segregation in the continental crust MD Jackson, MJ Cheadle, MP Atherton Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B7), 2003 | 132 | 2003 |
Prediction of wettability variation and its impact on flow using pore-to reservoir-scale simulations MD Jackson, PH Valvatne, MJ Blunt Journal of petroleum science and engineering 39 (3-4), 231-246, 2003 | 120 | 2003 |
Fluid flow monitoring in oil fields using downhole measurements of electrokinetic potential JH Saunders, MD Jackson, CC Pain Geophysics 73 (5), E165-E180, 2008 | 115 | 2008 |