Cited by
Cited by
Review of unconventional hydrocarbon resources in major energy consuming countries and efforts in realizing natural gas hydrates as a future source of energy
N Vedachalam, S Srinivasalu, G Rajendran, GA Ramadass, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 163-175, 2015
Autonomous underwater vehicles-challenging developments and technological maturity towards strategic swarm robotics systems
N Vedachalam, R Ramesh, VBN Jyothi, V Doss Prakash, GA Ramadass
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 37 (5), 525-538, 2019
Assessment of methane gas production from Indian gas hydrate petroleum systems
N Vedachalam, S Ramesh, S Srinivasalu, G Rajendran, GA Ramadass, ...
Applied Energy 168, 649-660, 2016
Evaluation of the depressurization based technique for methane hydrates reservoir dissociation in a marine setting, in the Krishna Godavari Basin, east coast of India
N Vedachalam, S Ramesh, VBN Jyothi, NT Prasad, R Ramesh, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015
Reliability assessment of multi-megawatt capacity offshore dynamic positioning systems
N Vedachalam, GA Ramadass
Applied Ocean Research 63, 251-261, 2017
Reliability assessment and integrity management of data buoy instruments used for monitoring the Indian Seas
R Venkatesan, G Vengatesan, N Vedachalam, MA Muthiah, R Lavanya, ...
Applied ocean research 54, 1-11, 2016
Reliability centered modeling for development of deep water Human Occupied Vehicles
MAA N. Vedachalam, G.A. Ramadass
applied ocean Research, 131-143, 2014
Best practices for the ocean moored observatories
R Venkatesan, K Ramesh, A Kishor, N Vedachalam, MA Atmanand
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 469, 2018
Concept and testing of an electromagnetic homing guidance system for autonomous underwater vehicles
BNJ Vandavasi, U Arunachalam, V Narayanaswamy, R Raju, DP Vittal, ...
Applied Ocean Research 73, 149-159, 2018
Review of challenges in reliable electric power delivery to remote deep water enhanced oil recovery systems
V Narayanaswamy
Applied Ocean Research 43, 53-67, 2013
Reliability-centered development of deep water ROV ROSUB 6000
V Narayanaswamy, R Raju, M Durairaj, A Ananthapadmanabhan, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 47 (3), 55-71, 2013
Techno-economic viability studies on methane gas production from gas hydrates reservoir in the Krishna-Godavari basin, east coast of India
N Vedachalam, S Ramesh, VBN Jyothi, GA Ramadass, MA Atmanand, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 77, 103253, 2020
An approach for methane hydrates reservoir dissociation in a marine setting, Krishna Godhavari Basin, east coast India
S Ramesh, N Vedachalam, R Ramesh, NT Prasad, GA Ramadass, ...
Marine and petroleum geology 58, 540-550, 2014
Review and reliability modeling of maturing subsea hydrocarbon boosting systems
N Vedachalam, S Srinivasalu, R Ramesh, A Aarthi, GA Ramadass, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 25, 284-296, 2015
Development and Performance Validation of a Navigation System for an Underwater Vehicle
GARMAA R. Ramesh, V. Bala Naga Jyothi, N. Vedachalam
Journal of Navigation, 1-17, 2016
Evolution of reliable and cost-effective power systems for buoys used in monitoring Indian seas
R Venkatesan, N Vedachalam, MA Muthiah, B Kesavakumar, R Sundar, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 49 (1), 71-87, 2015
Biofouling and its effects in sensor mounted moored observatory system in Northern Indian Ocean
R Venkatesan, P Senthilkumar, N Vedachalam, P Murugesh
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 116, 198-204, 2017
Design and development of Remotely Operated Vehicle for shallow waters and polar research
N Vedachalam, S Ramesh, AN Subramanian, D Sathianarayanan, ...
2015 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), 1-5, 2015
Heading control of ROV ROSUB6000 using non-linear model-aided PD approach
R Ramesh, N Ramadass, D Sathianarayanan, N Vedachalam, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 3 (4 …, 2013
Review of maturing multi-megawatt power electronic converter technologies and reliability modeling in the light of subsea applications
N Vedachalam, SM Babu, GA Ramadass, MA Atmanand
Applied Ocean Research 46, 28-39, 2014
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Articles 1–20