Katrien Van Nimmen
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Cited by
Vibration serviceability of footbridges: Evaluation of the current codes of practice
K Van Nimmen, G Lombaert, G De Roeck, P Van den Broeck
Engineering Structures 59, 448-461, 2014
Design of sensor networks for instantaneous inversion of modally reduced order models in structural dynamics
K Maes, E Lourens, K Van Nimmen, E Reynders, G De Roeck, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 52, 628-644, 2015
The impact of vertical human-structure interaction on the response of footbridges to pedestrian excitation
K Van Nimmen, G Lombaert, G De Roeck, P Van den Broeck
Journal of Sound and Vibration 402, 104-121, 2017
Characterisation of walking loads by 3D inertial motion tracking
K Van Nimmen, G Lombaert, I Jonkers, G De Roeck, P Van den Broeck
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (20), 5212-5226, 2014
Verification of joint input-state estimation for force identification by means of in situ measurements on a footbridge
K Maes, K Van Nimmen, E Lourens, A Rezayat, P Guillaume, G De Roeck, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 75, 245-260, 2016
Numerical and experimental evaluation of the dynamic performance of a footbridge with tuned mass dampers
K Van Nimmen, P Verbeke, G Lombaert, G De Roeck, P Van den Broeck
Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 (8), C4016001, 2016
Identification and modelling of vertical human-structure interaction
KV Nimmen, K Maes, S Živanović, G Lombaert, GD Roeck, PV Broeck
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2, 319-330, 2015
Eeklo Footbridge: Benchmark Dataset on Pedestrian-Induced Vibrations
K Van Nimmen, J Van Hauwermeiren, P Van den Broeck
Journal of Bridge Engineering 26 (7), 1-17, 2021
A spectral load model for pedestrian excitation including vertical human-structure interaction
E Bassoli, K Van Nimmen, L Vincenzi, P Van den Broeck
Engineering Structures 156, 537-547, 2018
A simplified method to account for vertical human-structure interaction
K Van Nimmen, A Pavic, P Van den Broeck
Structures 32, 2004-2019, 2021
Robust vibration serviceability assessment of footbridges subjected to pedestrian excitation: strategy and applications
K Lievens, G Lombaert, K Van Nimmen, G De Roeck, P Van den Broeck
Engineering Structures 171, 236-246, 2018
Model reduction for dynamical systems with quadratic output
R Van Beeumen, K Van Nimmen, G Lombaert, K Meerbergen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 91 (3), 229-248, 2012
A robust methodology for the reconstruction of the vertical pedestrian-induced load from the registered body motion
K Van Nimmen, G Zhao, A Seyfarth, P Van den Broeck
Vibration 1 (2), 250-268, 2018
Human-induced vibrations of footbridges: The effect of vertical human-structure interaction
KV Nimmen, G Lombaert, GD Roeck, PV Broeck
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4, 299-307, 2016
Numerical and Experimental Study of Human-Induced Vibrations of Footbridges
K Van Nimmen
Numerical and experimental analysis of the vibration serviceability of the Bears’ Cage footbridge
K Van Nimmen, P Van den Broeck, P Verbeke, C Schauvliege, M Mallié, ...
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 13 (3), 390-400, 2017
Pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges: An extended spectral approach
K Van Nimmen, P Van den Broeck, G Lombaert, F Tubino
Journal of Bridge Engineering 25 (8), 2020
A simplified method to account for the effect of human-human interaction on the pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges
X Wei, P Van den Broeck, G De Roeck, K Van Nimmen
Procedia Engineering 199, 2907-2912, 2017
Twin Rotor Damper for Human-Induced Vibrations of Footbridges
R Terrill, R Bäumer, K Van Nimmen, P Van den Broeck, U Starossek
Journal of structural engineering 146 (7), 04020119, 2020
Data-driven synchronization analysis of a bouncing crowd
J Chen, H Tan, K Van Nimmen, P Van den Broeck
Shock and Vibration 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–20