Sri Harsha Dumpala
Sri Harsha Dumpala
Dalhousie University and Vector Institute
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Cited by
Audio-Visual Fusion for Sentiment Classification using Cross-Modal Autoencoder
SH Dumpala, I Sheikh, R Chakraborty, SK Kopparapu
NeurIPS Workshop on ViGIL, 2018
A Novel Data Representation for Effective Learning in Class Imbalanced Scenarios.
SH Dumpala, R Chakraborty, SK Kopparapu
IJCAI, 2100-2106, 2018
End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding: Bootstrapping in Low Resource Scenarios.
S Bhosale, IA Sheikh, SH Dumpala, SK Kopparapu
Interspeech, 1188-1192, 2019
An algorithm for detection of breath sounds in spontaneous speech with application to speaker recognition
SH Dumpala, KR Alluri
Speech and Computer: 19th International Conference, SPECOM 2017, Hatfield …, 2017
Analysis of laughter and speech-laugh signals using excitation source information
SH Dumpala, KV Sridaran, SV Gangashetty, B Yegnanarayana.
ICASSP, 975-979, 2014
Estimating severity of depression from acoustic features and embeddings of natural speech
SH Dumpala, S Rempel, K Dikaios, M Sajjadian, R Uher, S Oore
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Improved speaker recognition system for stressed speech using deep neural networks
SH Dumpala, SK Kopparapu
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1257-1264, 2017
Detecting Depression With a Temporal Context Of Speaker Embeddings
SH Dumpala, S Rodriguez, S Rempel, M Sajjadian, R Uher, S Oore
SAS workshop, AAAI-2022, 2022
Cycle-Consistent GAN Front-end to Improve ASR Robustness to Perturbed Speech
SH Dumpala, I Sheikh, R Chakraborty, SK Kopparapu
NeurIPS 2018 IRASL workshop, 2018
Sentiment analysis using imperfect views from spoken language and acoustic modalities
I Sheikh, SH Dumpala, R Chakraborty, SK Kopparapu
Proceedings of grand challenge and workshop on human multimodal language …, 2018
Analysis of constraints on segmental DTW for the task of query-by-example spoken term detection
SH Dumpala, KR Alluri, SV Gangashetty, AK Vuppala
2015 annual IEEE India conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2015
Manifestation of depression in speech overlaps with characteristics used to represent and recognize speaker identity
SH Dumpala, K Dikaios, S Rodriguez, R Langley, S Rempel, R Uher, ...
Nature Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11155, 2023
Applications of speech analysis in psychiatry
K Dikaios, S Rempel, SH Dumpala, S Oore, M Kiefte, R Uher
Harvard Review of Psychiatry 31 (1), 1-13, 2023
Knowledge-driven feed-forward neural network for audio affective content analysis
SH Dumpala, R Chakraborty, SK Kopparapu
Workshops at the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Sine-Wave Speech and Privacy-Preserving Depression Detection
SH Dumpala, R Uher, S Matwin, M Kiefte, S Oore
Proc. SMM21, Workshop on Speech, Music and Mind 2021, 11-15, 2021
Analysis of the Effect of Speech-Laugh on Speaker Recognition System.
SH Dumpala, A Panda, SK Kopparapu
Interspeech, 1751-1755, 2018
Robust Vowel Landmark Detection Using Epoch-Based Features.
SH Dumpala, BT Nellore, RR Nevali, SV Gangashetty, B Yegnanarayana
interspeech, 160-164, 2016
On Combining Global and Localized Self-Supervised Models of Speech
SH Dumpala, CS Sastry, R Uher, S Oore
First Workshop on Pre-training: Perspectives, Pitfalls, and Paths Forward at …, 2022
Use of Vowels in Discriminating Speech-Laugh from Laughter and Neutral Speech.
SH Dumpala, P Gangamohan, SV Gangashetty, B Yegnanarayana
INTERSPEECH, 1437-1441, 2016
Robust features for sonorant segmentation in continuous speech.
SH Dumpala, BT Nellore, RR Nevali, SV Gangashetty, B Yegnanarayana
INTERSPEECH, 1987-1991, 2015
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Articles 1–20