Sudhish N George
Cited by
Cited by
A review on medical image denoising algorithms
SVM Sagheer, SN George
Biomedical signal processing and control 61, 102036, 2020
GSM based automatic energy meter reading system with instant billing
K Ashna, SN George
2013 International Mutli-Conference on Automation, Computing, Communication …, 2013
WiFi enabled home security surveillance system using Raspberry Pi and IoT module
S Sruthy, SN George
2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics …, 2017
Twist tensor total variation regularized-reweighted nuclear norm based tensor completion for video missing area recovery
B Madathil, SN George
Information Sciences 423, 376-397, 2018
A secure LFSR based random measurement matrix for compressive sensing
SN George, DP Pattathil
Sensing and Imaging 15 (1), 85, 2014
Denoising of low-dose CT images via low-rank tensor modeling and total variation regularization
SVM Sagheer, SN George
Artificial intelligence in medicine 94, 1-17, 2019
An improved real-time surveillance system for home security system using BeagleBoard SBC, Zigbee and FTP webserver
VS Rakesh, PR Sreesh, SN George
2012 annual IEEE India conference (INDICON), 1240-1244, 2012
Ultrasound image despeckling using low rank matrix approximation approach
SVM Sagheer, SN George
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 38, 236-249, 2017
A Three-Way Optimization Technique for Noise Robust Moving Object Detection Using Tensor Low-Rank Approximation, l1/2, and TTV Regularizations
AJ Tom, SN George
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 51 (2), 1004-1014, 2019
DCT based weighted adaptive multi-linear data completion and denoising
B Madathil, SN George
Neurocomputing 318, 120-136, 2018
Simultaneous denoising and moving object detection using low rank approximation
B Shijila, AJ Tom, SN George
Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 198-210, 2019
Audio security through compressive sampling and cellular automata
SN George, N Augustine, DP Pattathil
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 10393-10417, 2015
Denoising of Rician corrupted 3D magnetic resonance images using tensor-SVD
HS Khaleel, SVM Sagheer, M Baburaj, SN George
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 44, 82-95, 2018
A novel approach for secure compressive sensing of images using multiple chaotic maps
SN George, DP Pattathil
Journal of Optics 43, 1-17, 2014
Single image super resolution using neighbor embedding and statistical prediction model
VA Rahiman, SN George
Computers & Electrical Engineering 62, 281-292, 2017
Simultaneous reconstruction and moving object detection from compressive sampled surveillance videos
AJ Tom, SN George
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 7590-7602, 2020
Moving object detection by low rank approximation and l1-TV regularization on RPCA framework
B Shijila, AJ Tom, SN George
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 56, 188-200, 2018
A novel encryption method based on compressive sensing
V Athira, SN George, PP Deepthi
2013 International Mutli-Conference on Automation, Computing, Communication …, 2013
Video completion and simultaneous moving object detection for extreme surveillance environments
AJ Tom, SN George
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (4), 577-581, 2019
Reconstruction of cloud-contaminated satellite remote sensing images using kernel PCA-based image modelling
SN George
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (3), 1-14, 2016
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Articles 1–20