Fu Zhang
Fu Zhang
Hunan Normal University(湖南师范大学)
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Point‐LIO: Robust High‐Bandwidth Light Detection and Ranging Inertial Odometry
D He, W Xu, N Chen, F Kong, C Yuan, F Zhang
Advanced Intelligent Systems 5 (7), 2200459, 2023
An improved crest factor minimization algorithm to synthesize multisines with arbitrary spectrum
Y Yang, F Zhang, K Tao, B Sanchez, H Wen, Z Teng
Physiological measurement 36 (5), 895, 2015
Robust real-time lidar-inertial initialization
F Zhu, Y Ren, F Zhang
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
ECG denoising method based on an improved VMD algorithm
C Li, Y Wu, H Lin, J Li, F Zhang, Y Yang
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (23), 22725-22733, 2022
Efficient and consistent bundle adjustment on lidar point clouds
Z Liu, X Liu, F Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023
Multi-frequency simultaneous measurement of bioimpedance spectroscopy based on a low crest factor multisine excitation
Y Yang, F Zhang, K Tao, L Wang, H Wen, Z Teng
Physiological measurement 36 (3), 489, 2015
Large-scale lidar consistent mapping using hierarchical lidar bundle adjustment
X Liu, Z Liu, F Kong, F Zhang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (3), 1523-1530, 2023
A self-rotating, single-actuated UAV with extended sensor field of view for autonomous navigation
N Chen, F Kong, W Xu, Y Cai, H Li, D He, Y Qin, F Zhang
Science Robotics 8 (76), eade4538, 2023
Swarm-lio: Decentralized swarm lidar-inertial odometry
F Zhu, Y Ren, F Kong, H Wu, S Liang, N Chen, W Xu, F Zhang
2023 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 3254-3260, 2023
A voltage sag detection method based on modified s transform with digital prolate spheroidal window
J Li, Y Yang, H Lin, Z Teng, F Zhang, Y Xu
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 36 (2), 997-1006, 2020
MARSIM: A light-weight point-realistic simulator for LiDAR-based UAVs
F Kong, X Liu, B Tang, J Lin, Y Ren, Y Cai, F Zhu, N Chen, F Zhang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (5), 2954-2961, 2023
Immesh: An immediate lidar localization and meshing framework
J Lin, C Yuan, Y Cai, H Li, Y Ren, Y Zou, X Hong, F Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023
Wideband mirrored current source design based on differential difference amplifier for electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy
F Zhang, Z Teng, H Zhong, Y Yang, J Li, J Sang
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 4 (2), 025032, 2018
Gemini ii: Design, modeling, and control of a compact yet efficient servoless bi-copter
Y Qin, N Chen, Y Cai, W Xu, F Zhang
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 27 (6), 4304-4315, 2022
Design of tri-level excitation signals for broadband bioimpedance spectroscopy
Y Yang, L Wang, P Wang, X Yang, F Zhang, H Wen, Z Teng
Physiological measurement 36 (9), 1995, 2015
BTC: A Binary and Triangle Combined Descriptor for 3D Place Recognition
C Yuan, J Lin, Z Liu, H Wei, X Hong, F Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024
Symbolic representation and toolkit development of iterated error-state extended kalman filters on manifolds
D He, W Xu, F Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (12), 12533-12544, 2023
Moving event detection from LiDAR point streams
H Wu, Y Li, W Xu, F Kong, F Zhang
nature communications 15 (1), 345, 2024
ROG-map: An efficient robocentric occupancy grid map for large-scene and high-resolution LiDAR-based motion planning
Y Ren, Y Cai, F Zhu, S Liang, F Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14819, 2023
Robocentric model-based visual servoing for quadrotor flights
Y Li, G Lu, D He, F Zhang
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 28 (4), 2155-2166, 2023
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Articles 1–20