Alan L. Smith
Alan L. Smith
Dean and Professor, Utah State University
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Cited by
Development and preliminary validation of an athlete burnout measure
TD Raedeke, AL Smith
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 23 (4), 281-306, 2001
Peer relationships in physical activity contexts: A road less traveled in youth sport and exercise psychology research
AL Smith
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 4 (1), 25-39, 2003
Youth in sport: Psychological considerations
RJ Brustad
Handbook of sport psychology/Wiley, 2001
Coping Resources and Athlete Burnout: An Examination of Stress Mediated and Moderation Hypotheses
TD Raedeke, AL Smith
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 26, 525-541, 2004
Change in physical education motivation and physical activity behavior during middle school
AE Cox, AL Smith, L Williams
Journal of adolescent health 43 (5), 506-513, 2008
Perceptions of relationships with parents and peers in youth sport: Independent and combined prediction of motivational outcomes
S Ullrich-French, AL Smith
Psychology of sport and exercise 7 (2), 193-214, 2006
Social and motivational predictors of continued youth sport participation
S Ullrich-French, AL Smith
Psychology of sport and exercise 10 (1), 87-95, 2009
Friendship quality in youth sport: Relationship to age, gender, and motivation variables
MR Weiss, AL Smith
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 24 (4), 420-437, 2002
Teammate social support, burnout, and self-determined motivation in collegiate athletes
JD DeFreese, AL Smith
Psychology of sport and exercise 14 (2), 258-265, 2013
“That’s what friends are for”: Children’s and teenagers’ perceptions of peer relationships in the sport domain
MR Weiss, AL Smith, M Theeboom
Journal of sport and Exercise Psychology 18 (4), 347-379, 1996
Perceptions of peer relationships and physical activity participation in early adolescence
AL Smith
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 21 (4), 329-350, 1999
Pilot physical activity intervention reduces severity of ADHD symptoms in young children
AL Smith, B Hoza, K Linnea, JD McQuade, M Tomb, AJ Vaughn, ...
Journal of attention disorders 17 (1), 70-82, 2013
Athlete social support, negative social interactions, and psychological health across a competitive sport season
JD DeFreese, AL Smith
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 36 (6), 619-630, 2014
Parents' perceptions of child-to-parent socialization in organized youth sport
TE Dorsch, AL Smith, MH McDonough
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 31 (4), 444-468, 2009
Moral development in sport and physical activity
MR Weiss, AL Smith, CP Stuntz
Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology 3, 187-210, 2008
Moral development in sport and physical activity: Theory, research, and intervention
MR Weiss, AL Smith
Advances in sport psychology 2, 243-280, 2002
Peer motivational climate and burnout perceptions of adolescent athletes
AL Smith, H Gustafsson, P Hassmén
Psychology of sport and exercise 11 (6), 453-460, 2010
Goal orientation profile differences on perceived motivational climate, perceived peer relationships, and motivation-related responses of youth athletes
AL Smith, I Balaguer, JL Duda
Journal of sports sciences 24 (12), 1315-1327, 2006
Peer-delivered physical activity interventions: an overlooked opportunity for physical activity promotion
KAM Ginis, CR Nigg, AL Smith
Translational behavioral medicine 3 (4), 434-443, 2013
Athlete Burnout Questionnaire
TD Raedeke, AL Smith
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2009
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Articles 1–20