Dr. Alex Aved
Dr. Alex Aved
Research Computer Scientist, US Air Force Research Lab
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Cited by
Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Volume 1
EP Blasch, F Darema, S Ravela, AJ Aved
Springer Nature, 2022
Situational awareness: techniques, challenges, and prospects
A Munir, A Aved, E Blasch
AI 3 (1), 55-77, 2022
Information fusion in a cloud computing era: a systems-level perspective
B Liu, Y Chen, A Hadiks, E Blasch, A Aved, D Shen, G Chen
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 29 (10), 16-24, 2014
Blendmas: A blockchain-enabled decentralized microservices architecture for smart public safety
R Xu, SY Nikouei, Y Chen, E Blasch, A Aved
2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 564-571, 2019
Context aided video-to-text information fusion
E Blasch, J Nagy, A Aved, EK Jones, WM Pottenger, A Basharat, A Hoogs, ...
17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2014
Real-time index authentication for event-oriented surveillance video query using blockchain
SY Nikouei, R Xu, D Nagothu, Y Chen, A Aved, E Blasch
2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-8, 2018
Artificial intelligence and data fusion at the edge
A Munir, E Blasch, J Kwon, J Kong, A Aved
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (7), 62-78, 2021
Methods of AI for multimodal sensing and action for complex situations
E Blasch, R Cruise, A Aved, U Majumder, T Rovito
AI Magazine 40 (4), 50-65, 2019
Intrusion detection for IoT devices based on RF fingerprinting using deep learning
J Bassey, D Adesina, X Li, L Qian, A Aved, T Kroecker
2019 Fourth International Conference on Fog and mobile edge computing (FMEC …, 2019
FogSurv: A fog-assisted architecture for urban surveillance using artificial intelligence and data fusion
A Munir, J Kwon, JH Lee, J Kong, E Blasch, AJ Aved, K Muhammad
IEEE Access 9, 111938-111959, 2021
Detecting malicious false frame injection attacks on surveillance systems at the edge using electrical network frequency signals
D Nagothu, Y Chen, E Blasch, A Aved, S Zhu
Sensors 19 (11), 2424, 2019
Electric load forecasting model using a multicolumn deep neural networks
AO Hoori, A Al Kazzaz, R Khimani, Y Motai, AJ Aved
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (8), 6473-6482, 2019
Video-based activity analysis using the L1 tracker on VIRAT data
E Blasch, Z Wang, H Ling, K Palaniappan, G Chen, D Shen, A Aved, ...
2013 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-8, 2013
Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Third International Conference, DDDAS 2020, Boston, MA, USA, October 2-4, 2020, Proceedings
F Darema, E Blasch, S Ravela, A Aved
Springer Nature, 2020
Multiview boosting with information propagation for classification
J Peng, AJ Aved, G Seetharaman, K Palaniappan
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (3), 657-669, 2017
Decentralized smart surveillance through microservices platform
SY Nikouei, R Xu, Y Chen, A Aved, E Blasch
Sensors and systems for space applications XII 11017, 160-175, 2019
Multi-int query language for dddas designs
AJ Aved, EP Blasch
Procedia Computer Science 51, 2518-2532, 2015
Enable fair proof-of-work (pow) consensus for blockchains in iot by miner twins (mint)
Q Qu, R Xu, Y Chen, E Blasch, A Aved
Future Internet 13 (11), 291, 2021
A general framework for managing and processing live video data with privacy protection
AJ Aved, KA Hua
Multimedia systems 18 (2), 123-143, 2012
Dynamic data-driven application system (DDDAS) for video surveillance user support
EP Blasch, AJ Aved
Procedia Computer Science 51, 2503-2517, 2015
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Articles 1–20