Amir Tokic
Amir Tokic
Professor at The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla
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Numerical calculations of three-phase transformer transients
A Tokic, V Madzarevic, I Uglesic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 20 (4), 2493-2500, 2005
Modeling and simulations of ferroresonance by using BDF/NDF numerical methods
A Tokić, J Smajić
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 30 (1), 342-350, 2014
Parameter estimation of single-phase rectifier-based loads: Analytical approach
A Tokić, A Jukan, J Smajić
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 532-540, 2015
Simulation of three-phase transformer inrush currents by using backward and numerical differentiation formulae
A Tokić, V Milardić, I Uglešić, A Jukan
Electric Power Systems Research 127, 177-185, 2015
Simulations of Transformer Inrush Current by Using BDF‐Based Numerical Methods
A Tokić, I Uglešić, G Štumberger
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 215647, 2013
Correlation between lightning impacts and outages of transmission lines
I Uglešić, V Milardić, B Franc, HD Betz, S Piliškić, R Nuhanović, A Tokić
CIGRE C4 Colloquium on Power Quality and Lightning, 1-10, 2012
Kvalitet električne energije
V Katić, A Tokić, T Konjić
Elimination of overshooting effects and suppression of numerical oscillations in transformer transient calculations
A Tokic, I Uglesic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (1), 243-251, 2007
Hysteresis model in transient simulation algorithm based on BDF numerical method
A Tokic, V Madzarevic, I Uglesic
2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, 1-7, 2005
Measurement uncertainty of transmission line resistance calculation using ‘Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’and adaptive Monte–Carlo method
I Tolić, K Miličević, A Tokić
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 11 (3), 339-345, 2017
Leader progression model application for calculation of lightning critical flashover voltage of overhead transmission line insulators
D Filipović-Grčić, B Filipović-Grčić, D Brezak, I Uglešić, A Tokić
2012 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), 1-8, 2012
An algorithm for calculations of low frequency transformer transients
A Tokic, I Uglesic, F Jakl
International Conference on Power Systems Transients–IPST, 2003
Determination of single-phase transformer saturation characteristic by using Nelder–Mead optimization method
A Tokić, M Kasumović, M Pejić, V Milardić, TC Akinci
Electrical Engineering 103 (3), 1321–1333, 2021
Harmonic emission of LED lighting
I Ramljak, A Tokić
AIMS Energy, 2020
Power quality
A Tokić, V Milardić
Printcom, Grafički inženjering, Tuzla, 2015
Measurement, modeling and simulation of capacitor bank switching transients
M Softić, A Tokić, I Uglešić
IFAC proceedings volumes 45 (2), 1254-1259, 2012
Identification and assessment of key risks and power quality issues in liberalized electricity markets in europe
MK Jukan, A Jukan, A Tokić
Int. J. Eng. Technol. 11 (3), 20-26, 2011
Evaluation of energy stress on line arresters
I Uglešić, V Milardić, B Filipović-Grčić, A Tokić
CIGRE International Colloquium: Application of line surge arresters in power …, 2008
Conversion of RMS into instantaneous transformer saturation characteristics–implementation in MATLAB/SPS-ST
A Tokić, V Milardić, M Kasumović, D Demirović
International review of electrical engineering 14 (5), 367-374, 2019
Kvalitet električne energije
A Tokić, V Milardić
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Articles 1–20