Juan S. Muñoz-Morales
Cited by
Cited by
Is the glass half empty or half full? School enrollment, graduation, and dropout rates in Latin America
M Bassi, M Busso, JS Muñoz
IDB Working Paper Series, 2013
Enrollment, graduation, and dropout rates in Latin America: is the glass half empty or half full?
M Bassi, M Busso, JS Muñoz
Economía, 113-156, 2015
Some children left behind: Variation in the effects of an educational intervention
J Buhl-Wiggers, JT Kerwin, J Muñoz-Morales, J Smith, R Thornton
Journal of Econometrics 243 (1-2), 105256, 2024
Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
M Bassi, M Busso, JS Muñoz
Documentos de Trabajo del CEDLAS, 2014
The economics behind the math gender gap: Colombian evidence on the role of sample selection
JS Muñoz
Journal of development economics 135, 368-391, 2018
Is the glass half empty or half full? Enrollment, graduation, and dropout rates in Latin America
M Bassi, M Busso, JS Muñoz
Documento de Trabajo, 2014
Do school shootings erode property values?
J Muñoz-Morales, R Singh
Regional Science and Urban Economics 98, 103852, 2023
Re-estimating the gender gap in colombian academic performance
JS Muñoz
IDB Working Paper No. IDB-WP-469, 2014
The unintended consequences of merit-based teacher selection: Evidence from a large-scale reform in Colombia
M Busso, S Montaño, J Muñoz-Morales, NG Pope
Journal of Public Economics 239, 105238, 2024
Signaling specific skills and the labor market of college graduates
M Busso, S Montaño, JS Munoz-Morales
IZA Discussion Papers, 2023
Import Competition, Foreign Inputs, and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Colombian Liberalization Preliminary and Incomplete
L Bonilla, J Munoz-Morales, RD Zárate
Signaling and Migrant Labor Market Integration: Experimental evidence from Colombia
M Busso, C Gonzalez-Velosa, J Muñoz-Morales, C van der Werf
Flooding the Brains: Natural Disasters, Student Outcomes, and the Urban-Rural Gap in Human Capital
J Muñoz-Morales
IZA Discussion Paper, 2024
Complements or Substitutes? Labor Market Effects of Foreign Inputs in Developing Economies
L Bonilla-Mejıa, J Munoz-Morales, RD Zárate
Wage Progression in Developed and Transition Economies
K Holzheu, J Munoz-Morales
Jury Gender Composition and Student Performance in Non-Blind Testing
J Muñoz-Morales
Unbundling returns to postsecondary degrees and skills: evidence from Colombia
M Busso, S Montaño, J Muñoz-Morales
Education Economics, 1-18, 2024
Research Insights: How Do Labor Market Signals Impact Young Professionals’ Careers?
M Busso, S Montaño, JS Muñoz-Morales
Inter-American Development Bank, 2023
Compensation vs. Reinforcement: Experimental Identification of Parental Aversion to Inequality in Offspring
F Barrera-Osorio, L Bonilla, M Busso, S Galiani, H Kang, ...
The Unintended Consequences of Merit-Based Teacher Selection: Evidence from Large-Scale Reform in Colombia
N Pope, S Montaño, J Muñoz-Morales, M Busso
Available at SSRN 4523290, 2023
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