Lei Chang
Lei Chang
Oushu Inc
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Cited by
HAWQ: a massively parallel processing SQL engine in hadoop
L Chang, Z Wang, T Ma, L Jian, L Ma, A Goldshuv, L Lonergan, J Cohen, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2014
Seqstream: Mining closed sequential patterns over stream sliding windows
L Chang, T Wang, D Yang, H Luan
2008 Eighth IEEE international conference on data mining, 83-92, 2008
Efficient algorithms for incremental maintenance of closed sequential patterns in large databases
L Chang, T Wang, D Yang, H Luan, S Tang
Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (1), 68-106, 2009
BOAI: Fast alternating decision tree induction based on bottom-up evaluation
B Yang, T Wang, D Yang, L Chang
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 12th Pacific-Asia …, 2008
Imcs: Incremental mining of closed sequential patterns
L Chang, D Yang, T Wang, S Tang
Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 50-61, 2007
Mining compressed sequential patterns
L Chang, D Yang, S Tang, T Wang
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 761-768, 2006
An evaluation of analytical queries on CPUs and coupled GPUs
H Luan, L Chang
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (5), e3982, 2017
Aggregation models for people finding in enterprise corpora
W Zhang, L Chang, J Ma, Y Zhong
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: Third International …, 2009
An experimental study of group-by and aggregation on CPU-GPU processors
H Luan, L Chang
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 69 (1), 54, 2022
HOCT: A Highly Scalable Algorithm for Training Linear CRF on Modern Hardware
T Chen, L Chang, J Ma, W Zhang, F Gao
2009 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 276-281, 2009
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Articles 1–10