Alberto Sabbioni
Alberto Sabbioni
Dipartimento di Scienze Medico-Veterinarie, Università di Parma
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Physicochemical properties, gross composition, energy value and nitrogen fractions of Haflinger nursing mare milk throughout 6 lactation months
P Mariani, A Summer, F Martuzzi, P Formaggioni, A Sabbioni, ...
Animal Research 50 (5), 415-425, 2001
Effects of dietary nucleotide supplementation on growth performance and hormonal and immune responses of piglets
P Superchi, R Saleri, P Borghetti, E De Angelis, L Ferrari, V Cavalli, ...
Animal 6 (6), 902-908, 2012
Boar semen bacterial contamination in Italy and antibiotic efficacy in a modified extender
C Bresciani, CS Cabassi, G Morini, S Taddei, R Bettini, E Bigliardi, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 13 (1), 3082, 2014
Body weight estimation from body measures in Cornigliese sheep breed
A Sabbioni, V Beretti, P Superchi, M Ablondi
Italian Journal of Animal Science 19 (1), 25-30, 2020
Population size in conservation of local chicken breeds in chosen European countries
A Spalona, H Ranvig, K Cywa-Benko, A Zanon, A Sabbioni, I Szalay, ...
Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 71 (2), 49-55, 2007
Trend in ash and mineral element content of milk from Haflinger nursing mares throughout six lactation months
A Summer, A Sabbioni, P Formaggioni, P Mariani
Livestock Production Science 88 (1-2), 55-62, 2004
Identificazione e salvaguardia genetica delle razze avicole italiane
A Zanon, A Sabbioni
Ann. Fac. Med. Vet. Parma 21, 117-134, 2001
Genetic diversity in the Italian Holstein dairy cattle based on pedigree and SNP data prior and after genomic selection
M Ablondi, A Sabbioni, G Stocco, C Cipolat-Gotet, C Dadousis, JT Kaam, ...
Frontiers in veterinary science 8, 773985, 2022
Relationship between body fat and body condition score and their effects on estrous cycles of the Standardbred maiden mare
I Vecchi, A Sabbioni, E Bigliardi, G Morini, L Ferrari, F Di Ciommo, ...
Veterinary research communications 34 (Suppl 1), 41-45, 2010
Genetic diversity and signatures of selection in a native Italian horse breed based on SNP data
M Ablondi, C Dadousis, M Vasini, S Eriksson, S Mikko, A Sabbioni
Animals 10 (6), 1005, 2020
Phylogeny, genetic relationships and population structure of five Italian local chicken breeds
S Ceccobelli, PD Lorenzo, H Lancioni, C Castellini, LVM Ibáñez, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 12 (3), e66, 2013
The effect of intramuscular dexmedetomidine-butorphanol combination on tear production in dogs
F Leonardi, GL Costa, A Stagnoli, E Zubin, P Boschi, A Sabbioni, ...
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (1), 55, 2019
Carcass and meat parameters in Cornigliese sheep breed as affected by sex and age-class
A Sabbioni, V Beretti, EM Zambini, P Superchi
Italian Journal of Animal Science 15 (1), 2-9, 2016
Preliminary results about morphological and demographic traits of Romagnolo donkey
V Beretti, A Zanon, CS Soffiantini, A Sabbioni
Ann Fac Medic Vet Parma 25 (2), 131-144, 2005
In vitro ruminal dry matter and neutral detergent fibre digestibility of common feedstuffs as affected by the addition of essential oils and their active compounds
F Righi, M Simoni, A Foskolos, V Beretti, A Sabbioni, A Quarantelli
Journal of animal and feed sciences 26 (3), 204-212, 2017
Effects of intravenous romifidine, detomidine, detomidine combined with butorphanol, and xylazine on tear production in horses
F Leonardi, GL Costa, M Dubau, A Sabbioni, B Simonazzi, M Angelone
Equine Veterinary Education 32, 53-57, 2020
Genomic inbreeding coefficients using imputed genotypes: Assessing different estimators in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows
C Dadousis, M Ablondi, C Cipolat-Gotet, JT Van Kaam, M Marusi, ...
Journal of dairy science 105 (7), 5926-5945, 2022
Genetic diversity of Cornigliese sheep breed using STR markers
S Ceccobelli, T Karsli, P Di Lorenzo, G Marozzi, V Landi, FM Sarti, ...
Small Ruminant Research 123 (1), 62-69, 2015
Italian ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs: physical characteristics and chemical composition.
P Superchi, C Sussi, A Sabbioni, V Beretti
Effects of dog-assisted therapies on cognitive mnemonic capabilities in people affected by Alzheimer’s disease
F Quintavalla, S Cao, D Spinelli, P Caffarra, FM Rossi, G Basini, ...
Animals 11 (5), 1366, 2021
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Articles 1–20