Patrick Jermann
Cited by
Cited by
From mirroring to guiding: A review of state of the art technology for supporting collaborative learning
A Soller, A Martinez, P Jermann, M Muehlenbrock
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 15 (4), 261-290, 2005
Designing integrative scripts
P Dillenbourg
Scripting computer-supported collaborative learning: Cognitive …, 2007
Technology for classroom orchestration
P Dillenbourg, P Jermann
New science of learning: Cognition, computers and collaboration in education …, 2010
Benefits of a tangible interface for collaborative learning and interaction
B Schneider, P Jermann, G Zufferey, P Dillenbourg
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 4 (3), 222-232, 2010
Your click decides your fate: Inferring information processing and attrition behavior from mooc video clickstream interactions
T Sinha, P Jermann, N Li, P Dillenbourg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.7131, 2014
Classroom orchestration: The third circle of usability
P Dillenbourg, G Zufferey, H Alavi, P Jermann, S Do-Lenh, Q Bonnard, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Group mirrors to support interaction regulation in collaborative problem solving
P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Computers & Education 51 (1), 279-296, 2008
Elaborating new arguments through a CSCL script
P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Arguing to learn: Confronting cognitions in computer-supported collaborative …, 2003
MOOC video interaction patterns: What do they tell us?
N Li, Ł Kidziński, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World: 10th European …, 2015
Computer support for interaction regulation in collaborative problem-solving
PR Jermann
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2004
Effects of sharing text selections on gaze cross-recurrence and interaction quality in a pair programming task
P Jermann, MA Nüssli
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2012
Computer software support for CSCL
P Jermann, A Soller, A Lesgold
What we know about CSCL: And implementing it in higher education, 141-166, 2004
State of the art of interaction analysis for Metacognitive Support & Diagnosis
A Dimitrakopoulou, A Petrou, A Martinez, JA Marcos, V Kollias, P Jermann, ...
Capturing" attrition intensifying" structural traits from didactic interaction sequences of MOOC learners
T Sinha, N Li, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.5887, 2014
Collaborative gaze footprints: Correlates of interaction quality
P Jermann, D Mullins, MA Nüssli, P Dillenbourg
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Social orienting of children with autism to facial expressions and speech: a study with a wearable eye-tracker in naturalistic settings
S Magrelli, P Jermann, B Noris, F Ansermet, F Hentsch, J Nadel, A Billard
Frontiers in psychology 4, 840, 2013
TinkerSheets: using paper forms to control and visualize tangible simulations
G Zufferey, P Jermann, A Lucchi, P Dillenbourg
Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Tangible and Embedded …, 2009
How do in-video interactions reflect perceived video difficulty?
N Li, L Kidzinski, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Proceedings of the European MOOCs stakeholder summit 2015, 112-121, 2015
An analysis of learner arguments in a collective learning environment.
P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Third CSCL Conference, 265-273, 1999
“With-me-ness”: A gaze-measure for students’ attention in MOOCs
K Sharma, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Proceedings of international conference of the learning sciences 2014, 1017-1022, 2014
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Articles 1–20