Neil Bruce
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Cited by
Saliency based on information maximization
N Bruce, J Tsotsos
Advances in neural information processing systems 18, 2005
Saliency, attention, and visual search: An information theoretic approach
NDB Bruce, JK Tsotsos
Journal of vision 9 (3), 5-5, 2009
Malware classification with deep convolutional neural networks
M Kalash, M Rochan, N Mohammed, NDB Bruce, Y Wang, F Iqbal
2018 9th IFIP international conference on new technologies, mobility and …, 2018
How much position information do convolutional neural networks encode?
MA Islam, S Jia, NDB Bruce
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08248, 2020
Gated feedback refinement network for dense image labeling
M Amirul Islam, M Rochan, NDB Bruce, Y Wang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Attention based on information maximization
N Bruce, J Tsotsos
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 950-950, 2007
Eml-net: An expandable multi-layer network for saliency prediction
S Jia, NDB Bruce
Image and vision computing 95, 103887, 2020
Revisiting salient object detection: Simultaneous detection, ranking, and subitizing of multiple salient objects
MA Islam, M Kalash, NDB Bruce
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Hybrid deep learning model for stock price prediction
MA Hossain, R Karim, R Thulasiram, NDB Bruce, Y Wang
2018 ieee symposium series on computational intelligence (ssci), 1837-1844, 2018
On computational modeling of visual saliency: Examining what’s right, and what’s left
NDB Bruce, C Wloka, N Frosst, S Rahman, JK Tsotsos
Vision research 116, 95-112, 2015
Shape or texture: Understanding discriminative features in cnns
MA Islam, M Kowal, P Esser, S Jia, B Ommer, KG Derpanis, N Bruce
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11604, 2021
Surround-see: enabling peripheral vision on smartphones during active use
XD Yang, K Hasan, N Bruce, P Irani
Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2013
A deeper look at saliency: Feature contrast, semantics, and beyond
NDB Bruce, C Catton, S Janjic
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
An attentional framework for stereo vision
NDB Bruce, JK Tsotsos
The 2nd Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV'05), 88-95, 2005
Label refinement network for coarse-to-fine semantic segmentation
MA Islam, S Naha, M Rochan, N Bruce, Y Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.00551, 2017
Position, padding and predictions: A deeper look at position information in cnns
MA Islam, M Kowal, S Jia, KG Derpanis, NDB Bruce
International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-22, 2024
Predicting task from eye movements: On the importance of spatial distribution, dynamics, and image features
JFG Boisvert, NDB Bruce
Neurocomputing 207, 653-668, 2016
Expoblend: Information preserving exposure blending based on normalized log-domain entropy
NDB Bruce
Computers & Graphics 39, 12-23, 2014
Features that draw visual attention: an information theoretic perspective
NDB Bruce
Neurocomputing 65, 125-133, 2005
Spatial constancy of surface-embedded layouts across multiple environments
B Ens, E Ofek, N Bruce, P Irani
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 65-68, 2015
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Articles 1–20