Kai Kaspar
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Cited by
Disclosure of sensitive behaviors across self-administered survey modes: a meta-analysis
T Gnambs, K Kaspar
Behavior research methods 47, 1237-1259, 2015
Forced-choice decision-making in modified trolley dilemma situations: a virtual reality and eye tracking study
A Skulmowski, A Bunge, K Kaspar, G Pipa
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8, 426, 2014
Motivations for social distancing and app use as complementary measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic: quantitative survey study
K Kaspar
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (8), e21613, 2020
Emotions and personality traits as high-level factors in visual attention: a review
K Kaspar, P König
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 321, 2012
Pädagogisches Wissen versus fachdidaktisches Wissen? Struktur des professionellen Wissens bei angehenden Deutsch-, Englisch-und Mathematiklehrkräften im Studium
J König, J Doll, N Buchholtz, S Förster, K Kaspar, AM Rühl, S Strauß, ...
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2017
Socially desirable responding in web-based questionnaires: A meta-analytic review of the candor hypothesis
T Gnambs, K Kaspar
Assessment 24 (6), 746-762, 2017
The effect of banner animation on fixation behavior and recall performance in search tasks
KC Hamborg, M Bruns, F Ollermann, K Kaspar
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (2), 576-582, 2012
The experience of new sensorimotor contingencies by sensory augmentation
K Kaspar, S König, J Schwandt, P König
Consciousness and cognition 28, 47-63, 2014
Influencers on YouTube: a quantitative study on young people’s use and perception of videos about political and societal topics
D Zimmermann, C Noll, L Gräßer, KU Hugger, LM Braun, T Nowak, ...
Current Psychology, 1-17, 2020
Overt attention and context factors: the impact of repeated presentations, image type, and individual motivation
K Kaspar, P König
PloS one 6 (7), e21719, 2011
Eye movements as a window to cognitive processes
P König, N Wilming, TC Kietzmann, JP Ossandón, S Onat, BV Ehinger, ...
Journal of eye movement research 9 (5), 1-16, 2016
Feeling good, searching the bad: Positive priming increases attention and memory for negative stimuli on webpages
K Kaspar, RR Gameiro, P König
Computers in Human Behavior 53, 332-343, 2015
The interplay between usability and aesthetics: More evidence for the “what is usable is beautiful” notion
KC Hamborg, J Hülsmann, K Kaspar
Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2014 (1), 946239, 2014
Emotions' impact on viewing behavior under natural conditions
K Kaspar, TM Hloucal, J Kriz, S Canzler, RR Gameiro, V Krapp, P König
PloS one 8 (1), e52737, 2013
Self-representation through avatars in digital environments
D Zimmermann, A Wehler, K Kaspar
Current Psychology 42 (25), 21775-21789, 2023
Learning new sensorimotor contingencies: Effects of long-term use of sensory augmentation on the brain and conscious perception
SU König, F Schumann, J Keyser, C Goeke, C Krause, S Wache, ...
PloS one 11 (12), e0166647, 2016
An extensive dataset of eye movements during viewing of complex images
N Wilming, S Onat, JP Ossandón, A Açık, TC Kietzmann, K Kaspar, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-11, 2017
Cultures of trust: Effects of avatar faces and reputation scores on German and Arab players in an online trust-game
G Bente, T Dratsch, K Kaspar, T Häßler, O Bungard, A Al-Issa
PloS one 9 (6), e98297, 2014
What guides visual overt attention under natural conditions? Past and future research
K Kaspar
International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 (1), 868491, 2013
Steady-state visually evoked potential correlates of object recognition
K Kaspar, U Hassler, U Martens, N Trujillo-Barreto, T Gruber
Brain research 1343, 112-121, 2010
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Articles 1–20