Tony Steven Chuquizuta Trigoso
Tony Steven Chuquizuta Trigoso
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota - Cajamarca - Perú
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Comparison between artificial neural network and partial least squares regression models for hardness modeling during the ripening process of Swiss-type cheese using spectral …
N Vásquez, C Magán, J Oblitas, T Chuquizuta, H Avila-George, W Castro
Journal of Food Engineering 219, 8-15, 2018
Application of image analysis to optimization of the bread-making process based on the acceptability of the crust color
W Castro, J Oblitas, T Chuquizuta, H Avila-George
Journal of Cereal Science 74, 194-199, 2017
Feasibility of using spectral profiles for modeling water activity in five varieties of white quinoa grains
W Castro, JM Prieto, R Guerra, T Chuquizuta, WT Medina, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 238, 95-102, 2018
Application of machine learning in the discrimination of citrus fruit juices: Uses of dielectric spectroscopy
TC Trigoso, JO Cruz, HA Miñano, WC Silupu
2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON), 1-4, 2020
Determination of permittivity values using microwave dielectric spectroscopy for assessing apple and purple sweet potato quality parameters
A Reyes, M Yarlequé, W Castro, S Chuquizuta
2018 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications …, 2018
Determination of dielectric properties of the red delicious apple and its correlation with quality parameters
A Reyes, M Yarlequé, W Castro, S Chuquizuta
2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Fall (PIERS-FALL), 2067 …, 2017
Oxidative stability and physicochemical changes of dark chocolates with essential oils addition
L Quispe-Sanchez, M Mestanza, M Oliva-Cruz, N Rimarachín, ...
Heliyon 9 (7), 2023
Development of a methodology to categorize poultry meat affected by deep pectoral myopathy
MV Traffano‐Schiffo, T Chuquizuta, M Castro‐Giraldez, PJ Fito
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 45 (3), e15226, 2021
Evaluación de la vida útil de dos frutas usando un envase biodegradable de yuca (Manihot esculenta)
S López, SG Chávez, TS Chuquizuta
Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas 19 (4), 373-380, 2017
Efecto de las condiciones de proceso en el desarrollo del color durante la elaboración de pan: uso de técnicas de análisis de imagen para evaluación del color
TSC Trigoso, GF Solar, WMC Silupu, P Fito
Revista Científica UNTRM: Ciencias Naturales e Ingeniería 2 (1), 32-39, 2017
Dielectric Spectral Profiles For Andean Tubers Classification: A Machine Learning Techniques Application
T Chuquizuta, J Oblitas, H Arteaga, M Yarleque, W Castro
2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications …, 2021
Evaluación de la precisión y la exactitud de equipos de laboratorios que determinan la calidad de fibras de ovinos
MY Rubio Cieza, TS Chuquizuta Trigoso, EC Quispe Peña, D Sacchero
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú 31 (2), 2020
Evaluación de la vida útil de dos frutas usando un envase biodegradable de yuca (Manihot esculenta)
S Lopez Portocarrero
Prediction of Quality Attributes of Fresh Unpasteurized Milk Using Dielectric Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometric Tools
T Chuquizuta, Y Colunche, M Rubio, J Oblitas, H Arteaga, W Castro
2022 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 776-782, 2022
Estudio comparativo de dos métodos de inactivación de polifenol oxidasa en rodajas de yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius)
KM Burga Muñoz
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota, 2021
Influencia de los parámetros de funcionamiento de un prototipo de faenado en las características fisicoquímicas de la carne de cuy (Cavia porcellus)
H Huancas Vásquez
Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, 2018
Food fraud detection in Octopus mimus using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning techniques
W Vera, H Avila-George, J Mogollón, T Chuquizuta, W Castro
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-13, 2024
Determination of hydration kinetic of pinto beans: A hyperspectral images application
T Chuquizuta, SG Chavez, AC Miano, M Castro-Giraldez, PJ Fito, ...
Measurement: Food 14, 100161, 2024
Using recurrent neural networks to identify broken-cold-chain fish fillet from spectral profiles
W Castro, M Saavedra, J Castro, ARB Tech, T Chuquizuta, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 36 (8), 4377-4386, 2024
Predicción no destructiva de sólidos solubles, acidez y pH de aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L) mediante propiedades dieléctricas en el rango de microondas
T Chuquizuta, L Díaz, T Mego, H Arteaga, W Castro
Revista de investigación Agropecuaria Science and Biotechnology 3 (4), 10-23, 2023
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Artículos 1–20